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How did you wind up where you are living Survey
No kin in Kentucky, but that was part of the decision to move here. Wife and I served a combined 41 years in the Navy, both retiring in Scotland (last place of duty). When the Navy asked us where we wanted our possessions sent, we pretty much threw a dart at the map. She had family in the FL panhandle, I had family in southern MN. So we had a general idea to settle somewhere in between. We also wanted to be near a military facility with a future (the Clintons were just gearing up the base closure machine) so we had somewhere to enjoy our military retirement benefits; medical/dental, commissary, exchange, etc. Ft Campbell KY seemed to fill the bill. Close enough to family that we could drive to either in half a day, but far enough to discourage (some) relatives from dropping in unannounced.
Gained 4 years experience raising sheep during that 4 year stay in Scotland, so I wanted to pick it back up in KY. Eventually found 30 acres with a solid house and a good set of outbuildings. Went into a second career raising lamb chops. Did that for years before retiring at Social Security age.
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How did you wind up where you are living Survey
Boy I wish knew as much about my families as some of you do. Have no idea how long any of my family has been in the US and not 100% sure where from. Based upon what I know all from Great Britain.
I live about 30 miles from where my Daddy grew up and also his Mama and Dad and up to 50 miles from where my Mama grew up as she moved some due to her family being sharecroppers a few years.
There was 5 of us children, all three girls ended up miles away with one due to disability and the other to thanks to marring Military. Us two boys knew enough to live one each side of our Mama and did so for many years. Now I have moved about 5 miles from there and my brother about 1 mile.
I am blessed my two girls and their families live within 10 miles of us and eat Sunday dinner every other week with us.
My wife, well we now live on land that was her great granddaddy and less than 1/2 mile from where she grew up.
I have enjoyed all areas of this great county have been able to visit (the country part not the big cities) and believe each would be great in it's own way to live there. But it is true, home is where the heart is.
I know many who have moved here from up north and find some of their thoughts interesting and find some gave great thought to it and others did so on a whim. Find many find family and friends near by to be cherished as health passes from us.
I am thankful for those who did pick up and move to this land called America.
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How did you wind up where you are living Survey
I was born in Detroit ,Michigan,where my mother and father met,He was a rubber worker working for uniroyal and mom worked at General Motors.
Dad was a smoker and back in the 40.s and 50;s there was no safety inside a plant. Dad was making construction tires and he was allow to smoke in side the plant. and they balance the tires by grinding the rubber off on the high side to balance the tire.
Anyways the smokong and breathing the tire dust was killing dad, so in 1956 the Dr. told Dad if he didn't smoking and get out of that plant he was going to die a quick death. So Mom and Dad moved from Michigan to Tennessee my mother home town. Dad was from North Carolina and he hated that place, Marshall,N.C.
So we came to Tennessee bought a small farm and dad quit smoking and started breathing clean air,and he got better. and so we stayed. he was killed at age 86 in a car wreck.
After High School,I had met my wife (50) years now. and we raised our children here not far from where dad bought the first farm.
WE my wife and I own 3 farms 2 here and one near Nashville, I worked at the Post office 33 years and my wife worked at an O-Ring Plant 29 years we also farmed until 3 years ago,Raising Cows,Corn, hay. Hogs,Tobacco,we still own the farms now rented out.and i buy and sell small tractors that was one owner and low hours ,Tractors that are less then 60 H.P.
My daughter and her husband live outside of Nashville and my son Lives here.Both got a College Education. and with 2 Grandchildren,The Girl is making a Veterinarian and the Boy is making a Brain Surgeon.
I Live in the Upper East corner of Middle Tn. near Kentucky in the Central time zone and about 40 miles from the eastern Time zone.
We love it here. <}):^)
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How did you wind up where you are living Survey
I live a few miles west of Myrtle Beach SC. Some of you have visited there and hope you enjoyed it. It still amazes me how many people move here away from family, friends and homes they had for years. Have met some who never had visited but sold, packed and came. Guess that spirit still lives. My youngest sister who married an Air Force guy who was son of I believe Navy guy and to him the where is not important it is the military benefits being near and the tax and such. They finally have left his last base in Illinois to Texas. My sister says if he dies before her it is for sale and she is coming home to family and childhood friends. The only two issues with that is where will their one child be and what family and childhood friends will still be here.
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