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 08-13-2014, 21:37 Post: 190914

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 Commuting 335 miles to work

Life changes as we get older. After reading Big Frank's thread, I decided to open my own post. At the age of 62, my DIL found me a nice retirement job in Buffalo NY which is 335 miles from my home base in Hyde Park NY. I want to see my granddaughter and son more often and to position my wife to have someone to look after her when I croak.

I began my job 2 weeks ago working as a database specialist in Buffalo, staying with my son and family. I am trying to dig my hoarder wife out of our house in Hyde Park and get rid of a lifetime of possessions. I have no idea where we will end up living in Buffalo. In the meantime I will be travelling home every weekend to help my wife clean out the house. This will take months, hopefully not years.

Frank, good luck to all of us! We wait for the blue sky.

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 08-15-2014, 09:00 Post: 190917

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 Commuting 335 miles to work


That sounds great...

So many consulting jobs that I see want you to have so many specific things in your background at the expert level that only a God like individual would qualify! And they always add must be able to work under extreme pressure and offshore teams etc.. Then they add that the job is thousands of miles away for 6 months....

Good luck with the transition...family is so important. I keep telling my wife we cannot make plans to move south until we see where my in college kids wind up... I would rather go someplace warmer than NJ.

Probably will not happen.

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 08-16-2014, 08:28 Post: 190918

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 Commuting 335 miles to work

Crunch and Dennis;
I'm not a veteran commuter, just a year or so after high school I drove 60 miles round trip to a job, after that about three miles to care for livestock on a "Distant" farm.
But this isn't the topic you guys are going after, yes we tend to follow our kids when we retire so we are content to stay in Icebox, Iowa. Four of our five kids have settled within the Cedar Rapids, Marion metro where we are now, the fifth is near the Twin Cities, that's about five hours as the Chevy goes.
Several of our friends and old classmates that are still sucking air have gone south, we considered it but Kids and Grandkids tend to keep us close. At risk of upsetting those in the south, I just never cared that much for snakes, alligators and big bugs, we have little bugs up here but they all freeze to death in the winter. when it gets too cold or too hot I just don't go out.
To each his or her own I guess.


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 08-18-2014, 09:07 Post: 190933

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 Commuting 335 miles to work

Not trying to upset my friends in the frozen North...the snakes that craw on their belly is not the ones we worry about...it is the ones which still have legs. Seems to be a real big nest on the eastern shore.

Learned long time ago we all have a special place in our heart for where we were raised, Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz said it best, "there is no place like home."

Living where I do have many friends, clients and neighbors from all states North of here up to about as far west as Minnesota. Funny to me there is very few from southern states south or west of here. Hear the reasons for moving here, not so cold, very seldom have snow, lower cost of living, golf courses, how liberal the area they lived was, shows or such they enjoy. However I know it would be hard for me to pack up and move away from my family and friends. We do see moves that are two and three generation because of that.

Crunch on the house, my father in law passed almost 14 years ago and my mother in law moved in with us about 2 years ago. We kept her house in tack till about 2 months ago and finally knew doing so was foolish and began the taking it apart and deciding what went where. Some to each of the 2 girls, some to grandchildren, and other family members. Hard work. It took us about 2 months to do that and the house is less than 1/2 mile from us. It also took longer than we expected to get it ready to rent and is now taking it longer to rent that we expected. Said all that to tell you the process is slow, for us we had to handle and discuss who needed, wanted or would benefit from each piece. When it was all completed my wife told me, I am so glad it has been done. As hard as it was it was done with my Mama's input. I am glad do not have to face this when she passes. Sadly since June 10th, house was not on the rental market my mother in law was admitted to the hospital and has since then been either in hospital or rehab and will belief she will be able to return to live with us. We all have the responsibility to prepare for tomorrow, whether we be there or have moved on. That means preparing to close the house here for the home, there. kt

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