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Smile for the day Ole and Swen and others
Ole and Sven are quietly sitting in a boat fishing, chewing and drinking beer when suddenly Sven says, 'I think I'm gonna divorce my wife - she ain't spoke to me in over 2 months.' Ole sips his beer and says, 'Better think it over...women like that are hard to find.
I saw very little of my wife over the weekend and was pondering her absence when I came across this one....
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Smile for the day Ole and Swen and others
Ole is a wise man Dennis.
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Smile for the day Ole and Swen and others
Ole and Lena were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. All of their friends were there, including Ole's best man from the wedding.....Sven.
Sven searched the house over looking for Ole, but he couldn't seem to find him, so he asked Lena where Ole might be.
Lena says to Sven, "Go up on the top floor and look out the nouth window, you'll see him sitting on dat dere big rock out in the pasture".
Sure enough, there he was, sitting on dat big rock, holding his face in hands. So, Sven makes the trip out to the pasture to visit with Ole. "Ole, vat are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside celebrating with your wife and friends?"
Ole replies, "Sven you were my best man at the wedding. You remember when Lena and I got into dat big fight on our wedding night and I threatened to kill her? You talked me out of doing it! Well just think, Sven......had you let me go through with it, I'd be getting out of jail 'bout now."
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Smile for the day Ole and Swen and others
My Swedish grandparents were Carl and Elsie and were much like Lena and Swen. Carl was adamant that women's suffrage was a crime against humanity I chuckled to myself when he would tell me this as a college kid, hmmmm now I wonder at his wisdom !!!
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