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Things we say and what do they mean REALLY
My son has a fascination with sayings and in particular the things his old man dad says.
"That does not cut the mustard"
"Kill two birds with one stone"
The first refers to mustard craftsmen's apprentice chore of keep a sharp knife available at all times for the Master to cut the mustard crust in the barrel, the remark he would make if the knife was dull.
The second one on the birds, I have not known anyone able to kill even one bird with any number of stones.. so I guess it means achievement of the impossible....
My son is away at college now, be home soon and look forward to his observations of things I others say that cause him to figure out what it really meant at the start of its use....
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Things we say and what do they mean REALLY
Being the father of 3 beautiful daughters, 2 of which have graduated from college and our youngest now stressing out with finals.......they all at one time or another have wondered about "sayings" and "other things" that came out of this now retired military veteran's mouth. All 3 of them nurses or in college for nursing.
I have found myself explaining to them on more than one occasion what many of these sayings really meant as well as other questions they have posed to me in greater quantity now that they are all adults.
Value this time as one of life's precious treasures. Many times we don't truly understand the value of the time we have with our children and their time with us. Having recently lost both of my parents, I come to truly realize just how precious this time was. Dennis, your post reminded me of that this morning. Thank you!
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Things we say and what do they mean REALLY
Hey Randy, hope all is well down there.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who out of habit spouts (as my wife calls them) "Mil-Spec terms".
If I'm not quite home, usually behind ETA, and she asks it's either 'long final' or 'short final'. If I'm leaving early it's usually around 'zero dark thirty', if I'm home early it's usually around 'beer o'clock' and if I understand what she's saying or asking it's usually 'roger that' or 'copy that'. If something gets messed up it becomes FUBAR or a 'soup sandwich'.
One she does NOT like to hear, especially if we're flying somewhere, is 'cherubs zero', a reference to flight over water usually but could also be earth, "cherubs" being a reference to flying at less than 1,000' above the surface, as in your flying with the angels (it's a very dangerous altitude) the following number being the height in hundreds of feet. So 'cherubs zero' means you're almost touching. Also known as Scud-Running if you're a little higher up.
Although I must say, one o my favourites I inherited from my Dad, who learned it from his Dad is "It's going to rain pretty hard, pretty soon." used as a subtle threat to kids that if something didn't change PDQ there was going to be thunder, lightening and 'rain' (tears). He never had to raise his voice or repeat himself. It was clearly understood.
Best of luck.
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Things we say and what do they mean REALLY
They're so poor they don't have a pot to piss in. Medieval times urine was used for tanning so it was saved.
Or a window to throw it out. Didn't have a home.
I just gotto go to politically incorrect...
Happier than a bling faggot at a wiener roast. You figure it out.
More scared than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs .
Rats now I've drawn a blank...
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Things we say and what do they mean REALLY
They're so poor they don't have a pot to piss in.
Harvey it is so good to see your post. That was something my grandfather often used.
"Been down so long it looks like up to me."
A couple more from my grandparents first about young lady I was dating...
"She is too sweet to be wholesome !"
"Sing before Breakfast Cry before dinner"
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Things we say and what do they mean REALLY
My mother used to tell me when I was wishing for something a bit over the top and unreasonable. "Wish in one hand and $#%! in the other and see which one fills up the quickest!"
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