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color challenged PAINTING
My wife say's I am afraid of color! This week we went out and bought red and orange (It was supposed to be a light brown but the wife insisted on it) Turned out to be orange (she did not like it iether. Anyway, The Red was a failure, the primer I used was too dark and it made the red a different hue than what was wanted. (I only painted about 7'x8' to see if it was what we wanted. Then I went out and bought a brownish tan. We liked it but I thought it was TOOOO dark for the kitchen living room combo (like she wanted) A accent color of red on all inside walls and the outside (inside) walls and ceiling that brown. I painted a few test sections maybe 6'x6'. The more I look at it the more I KNOW it is too dark (even after buying 5 gallons of the crap brown.) BTW Its my wifes birthday today, so I am giving her a present when she gets home from work! WHITE walls!!! LMAO Just got done priming the colors back too white and am off to get some wall and ceiling WHITE. I will use that brown on her bedroom if she wants (Thats where it should be dark) I dont care how much trouble I get into with her, I WILL NOT paint this house. I am tired and to top it off I dont like color! AM I walking down the garden path? I figure if she wants color I will tell her to buy some new curtains or anything else but I want my living room and kitchen good ole dependable WHITE.
Looks like I found my NEW color for the drywall in my garage. I figure after I use 2 gallons on her bedroom I will still have atleast three more left for the garage. HEY! cant let over a hundred bucks in paint and primer go to waist ya know!
My Mem. day weekend just took a turn for the good.
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color challenged PAINTING
Getting a good color is so hard when looking at those tiny chips in the store. My last paint job we wanted yellow in the master bath. Looking at the chips led me to what I thought would be a nice, cheery color. My wife agreed. So we started to paint. Man it was bright. Practically day-glow yellow. Lemons would be jealous. We hoped it would lighten up when it dried. It didn't. I mixed the remaining can with a fresh can of white. It's better, but still bright.
Those paint chips suck. I should have done what I did for my home office. For that one, I picked 2 colors and two shades of each. I bought the smallest size can in each of the 4 colors. Then I painted a test patch at least 3 ft x 3 ft of each. Two clearly didn't look good on the wall and one we really liked. But it wouldn't have been our first pick had we gone strictly by the paint chips in the store. A lesson learned.
White walls do add lots of light to a room. Be careful your wife doesn't accent the whiet walls with many accessory purchases!
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color challenged PAINTING
As a matter of fact, that is exactly what I TOLD HER to do!!!! . Spend the damm money and let me enjoy some of my summer. Last year I had NO free time to myself. My dad had told me that I need to slow down, I am trying to do too much. Those words wrung thru my head as I broke open the first can of paint. Fact is they (his words) also had a large role in me changing my mind.
I just got done putting the second coat of poly on my new french patio doors (WITH) those little oak inserts attached permanatlty to the window payne. ALL 30 of the seperate squares. That makes a total of 60 corners!!!!
Also romove just about all the furniture from the house getting ready for the wood flooring next week. Yep, After these two projects I think I am done!!!!! Tired of being tired. Many that strike was not as bad as I remember now looking back. Had NO money to do any pet projects (AKA honey do's)
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color challenged PAINTING
The paint shop near me is owned by a painter and his wife, arthritis set in and he had to find another way to make a living.
He has a bunch of 2' x 2' white posterboard sheets. If you're not sure about a particular colour he will mix up a few ounces of it, paint the card and you can then take it home and see it in the room and lighting you propose for it.
It sure makes it easy picking colours.
The painting itself is still a PITA though, .
Best of luck.
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