Chainsaw sharpeners
I'm thinking about purchasing an electric chainsaw sharpener. What's the best way to go, features to look for, etc?
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Chainsaw sharpeners
I got a 12 volt clamp-on-the-bar model.
My thinking was that wherever I am cutting wood, I might not have a 110 volt AC outlet handy, but I sure as heck will have a 12 volt battery nearby.
Here is the link..... but I don't remember it costing this much......
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Chainsaw sharpeners
I'm perfectly happy with the 110v bench model I got on sale from Harbor Freight for thirty bucks. Once I get a machine-sharpened chain on the saw, I just touch it up periodically with a file. When the saw won't cut a vertical line anymore, it's time to put the chain back on the machine grinder. Having a spare chain along lets me finish the job without having to go back to the workshop just to clean/sharpen one chain.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
I just keep extra chains around and drop the dull ones off at the Stihl dealer periodically for a good sharpening. They don't charge much.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Stihl has some unusual spec'd chain as far as sharpening it. I have told/shown chain sharpeners how to do it like it's suppose to be done. They nod, walk away and do it the way they want anyway. A few minutes after use they're dull again (the chain) because they didn't want to do it right. Depending on how I feel that day--in a rush use the 12v electric, take my time and wind down a bit---use a Stihl-brand file. Make sure you get plenty of the rotary grinding stones because they can break off easily.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
I use a Stihl file holder and round file to sharpen the chain on the bar. Been doing this for 12 years. After I watched an experienced commercial logger show me how to sharpen the chain, I felt like a sap for paying so much to the hardware store saw shop to sharpen the chain for $3 a pop.
I have had my O-66 for almost 13 years now and I have had 3 chains on the saw since new including the original OEM chain that came on the saw. Using the hand file is time consuming (I have a 24" bar, can't imagine sharpening a 36" bar chain!) and takes a bit of getting used to and perfecting the technique but well worth it in the long run.
Harbor Freight recently had their electric bench type chain sharpener on sale for $39.95 so I took the plunge and will be experimenting with it to see how well an el cheapo works.
I hand sharpen the saw blade on my Stihl FS 450K as well. New blades are about $35 each and nobody I know of sharpens them.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Now I remember...... I was running a 36 inch bar on the biggest saw Stihl makes.......... it took forever to sharpen that thing with a file.
I was trying real hard to keep pace with a tree service company that was taking down an ancient cottonwood.
I ended up with 15+ cords out of one tree.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
I guess I am the odd man out. I carry round files and a flat in my back pocket of my falling pants and sharpen or take down the rakers when needed. I normally sharpen every tank. I have been doing it this way for 30 years.
The Husky or Stihl file handles have the correct angle on the bezel. I sit over the saw and just eye it up. One trick is to count the number of strokes of your file and place the same on every tooth and both sides. This helps to keep everything even.
If you rock the saw then you need to take down the teeth on both sides to get the teeth back in shape.
I normally use the chains down to the last nub of a tooth. Which is not technically correct, but its the scotts in me. What can I say.
I bought a gauge at one point but found it just slowed me down and I can keep as true by eye.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
What's the techique to using a hand file? The manaul I have Husqurvna 455 rancher, Is about clear as mud for the sharpening. I have tried using a hand file- but I just must not be doing it correctly.
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Chainsaw sharpeners
Geez Mark! You have an O-88/MS-880???????? That is a humongous and HEAVY saw. The power head along weighs over 22 lbs. Add a 36" bar and chain and I suspect you will be on the other side of 25 lbs. No wonder you have a bad back. ;O)
When you say cord, do you mean face cord or full 4' x 4' x 8'. 15+ full cords is a HUGE tree. I remember some of the pictures you showed but I don't think I got to see the entire tree while alive. I guess you must still be burning that wood now?
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