I can fond
Somehow I butchered the subject line..oh well.....anyways....I just bought myself an early Christmas present...a kegerator!
I would love to have a small cabinet (about 6 inches deep internally by about 24 inches wide, by about 24 inches high) that is refrigerated with dual glazed doors that could be mounted above the kegerator for storing freezer mugs, steins, beer glasses etc... that would be set below freezing so that all glasses could be seen like in a display case, but frosted, ready to use ...
Seeing that nothing like this exists that I can find, I'm wondering if I could buy a small fridge and scab the refrigeration parts and use them on a home made insulated cabinet to get what I want...
Any of you engineering types care to weigh in on this? I'm thinking I would only need to get a freezer thermostat and use it to control the fridge hardware, and that since I'd be cooling a smaller space than the original equipment was designed for, this would not cause problems as far as load on the frigde cooling equipment goes.....where can I get info on how to do this? Anyone done anything like this before?
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I can fond
De Twang, I went to a commercial food equipment supply store to buy some new kitchen equipment for our church hall. I could'nt believe what all they had there in both new and reconditioned equipment, things I never knew existed. So to make a long story short there may already be such a thing as you're looking for. Check with those type of places. Good luck. Frank.
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I can fond
I'm envious. Of course since I've been on a diet I'm envious of anyone who can drink beer I know a guy who converted an old pinball machine into a kegerator for his game room. Pretty cool.
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I can fond
Have you searched on ebay by any chance? It seems like when ever I am searching for something, no matter what it is, I can find one on ebay...give it a try if you haven't already.
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I can fond
Thanks guys...I did a search for commercial food equipment suppliers, glass chillers, etc...and what comes up (including on ebay) are these large and very expensive undercounter units intended for bars and restaraunts...they're the size of dishwashing machines or bigger, and hold a couple hindred glasses...
I need something that has glass doors, wall mounts and holds about 18 glasses/mugs...
I think I'm going to have to build this thing...I'm thinking I could build the cabinet out of sheet metal (inner and outer shell) and insulate it with that expanding foam stuff.....was kinda kicking around the idea of using a dual glazed sliding or casement window for the doors....then finding a cheap mini fridge (with about twice the cubic footage of the cabinet I'm gonna use it on) to steal the cooling parts off of...reinstalling them onto the cabinet....but it's that last part I'm not sure about...I'm thinking that I'd go to an aplliance store and get a freezer thermostat to replace the fridge stat....
hoping someone around here that is the tinkerer type has tried something like this where you steal the cooling system off of one box and stick it on something else...and could offer some tips/advice before I dig into this...
PS...love the kegerator....course I've been half drunk every evening this week, but I imagine that will taper off back to normalcy (I hope... )....but what the heck...tis the season....
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I can fond
Ken, from the shape of the glass and the cloudiness of the beer it looks like your friend also likes my favorite... Weiss beer. I love that yeast taste.
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I can fond
It may be a little spendy, but just get a kitchen equip. fabricator to make an insulated stainless steel box the right size and shape you want. Have them leave a hole at each end and just put a recirculating fan in such that the air is blown out of the keginator into one end of the mug case, through the case end to end, then back down into the keginator.
They also make a cooler about the size you are looking for that is sold as a wine cooler, it is just big enough for one bottle wide, and about 6 tall. It is a compressor-less design so running it sideways wouldn't amke any difference. The thermostat is adjustable down to nearly freezing. Best of all they're cheap.
Best of luck.
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I can fond
Oh Yeah! Weiss beer is the best. Out here in Oregon a (used to be) micro-brewer named Widmeer makes the best Hefeweizen I've ever had. They bottle it but you really need to have it ice cold on draft to get the real flavor. Cloudy, unfiltered, and wonderful on a hot day.
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I can fond
I think I have exactly what you are looking for. It is a wine cooler about 24X24 inches I bought it at Home Depot. They had several sizes it has a glass front door and looks pretty nice. The brand on mine is Ewave but I am sure it a made in China item. You might want to do a search for wine coolers. They almost always have glass doors so you can show off your wine.
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I can fond
If it's what I'm thinkign of, the wine coolers at Home Depot are way too deep to mount on a wall...looking for something with only 6 inches of internal depth....the ones I've seen at home depot are intended for undercounter use...and I'd be surprised if they go down to below freezing which is what I need for freezer mugs...
Ot are you talking about something else? I'd be curious to see it anyways if it's not what I think it is...
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