Wood Splitter
I have pretty well finished my splitter. See picture 10. It has opening for 26" wood, 100hp turbo charged Cummins diesel, 10 gallon fuel tank, 30 gallon hyd tank, a 30 gallon per minute pump, and a log lift. Only burns about .5 gal per hour at 1100 rpm. The cycle time is faster than I want to work.
It still needs a little tweaking. I also have thoughts of hooking the rear clutched pulley into a drive assembly for other PTO driven attachments like a generator, wood chipper, etc.
It was built with almost all scrap steel. I have bought 2 valves, 2 cylinders, fittings and hoses total $ invested is around $600. I would not dare guess how much tinker time is in it, but many of you know its been in the works over 2 years.
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Wood Splitter
Holy mackeral! That is some mean machine!
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Wood Splitter
Harvey, if you can scrounge (and justify using) a 100hp Cummins turbo for a woodsplitter you're my kind of fella!!!
Nice job, but I'm curious, how did you weld that 4" x 4" in under the bell housing?
Wet dowels in the stick welder?? MAO .....
Best of luck.
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Wood Splitter
Arrgh, arrrrrgh, arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!! That gets a HUGE "Tim Allen Grunt"! ;O) Nice work Harvey.
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Wood Splitter
Man O Man, you could rent that monster out to the military for their missile destruction program!
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Wood Splitter
Well we know what you've been doing when not building roads! To hook your generator up to it would be good although I know you have enough tractors but then the Deere would be free for clean-up if it's from a wind storm! Didn't see much about any flooding your way, are you going to be working on 88 by Sidney?
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Wood Splitter
Art yes Suit-Kote has the emergency highway contract. We moved 3 main crews down on Wednesday and Thursday. They were working in 6 different locations just trying to repair the worst wash outs. I've had 15+ trucks down there since last Friday working 16 hours a day every day. We did real well and scaled back to 8 trucks supporting the crews on the 4th.
It is a mess down. There are haybales in the top of trees. Cars stuck in culverts. I have no idea what farmers are going to feed this winter all the crops in the valley are gone.
There is another Company with emergency bridge/structure repair so not sure yet about who is going to do the actual work on 88.
Sorry about being a little off subject.
The set up will allow much flexibility for axuiliary power. I still can not believe how lucky I got with that motor. It had been under water and the dip stick had rusted off. I was a little concerned. Apparrently the water had pushed the oil to the top of the motor and as it receided the oil came down a recoated everything. The oil pan was a mess. The engine now has 38 hours on it total. It was brand new and sat for 10 years.
I'll have to post some other photos of the wood elevator going into the top of the wood shed and some of the beach we are cutting.
Now to get time to start on the dump trailer, PTO to transmission for 6WD and to run the pump. (Tim Allen grunt)
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Wood Splitter
Very impressive. Are you working on using a square haybaler stacker to stack the wood?
To make the picture about perfect you need a rusted out compact pickup to tow it with. 
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Wood Splitter
Now thats a wood splitter !!
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Wood Splitter
All you need now is the MOPAR endorsement and you can have it released with HUGE rebates in 08.
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