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Pre Pay LP prices
Wing, you are right, and I should have been clearer.
LP tanks don't go boom, they store a lot of gas that will. Since propane is heavier than air it will settle and stay there in calm conditions.
As for your wings, depnding on the size and kind of equipment you have, and the leak, yes you migh have been real close to getting your permanent wings. Most newer tanks have a flashback preventer in line right next to the tank, if not, under the right conditions the flame can, and will run back inside the line and go ka-blooie!!
It is actually the most hazardous when the tank is nearly empty, since it is the vapour not the liquid that is flammable.
A house not too far from here had a close call recently, the LP pool heater caught fire while the owners were away, it melted the line to the heater, that in turn mae the whole thing into a very large blow torch, when the tank (a few feet away) reached the critical temperature it left with a bang. It landed on the road (a few hundred feet from where it left from) just as the volunteer fire fighters showed up.
The article in the local rag showed it split open like an overboiled weiner, and quoted the fireman as saying that he was amazed at how far it had flown.
Best of luck.
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Pre Pay LP prices
I should have played the lottery that day. Now I won't sleep for a week. j/k
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Pre Pay LP prices
I'll have to ask our insurance man about a discount on rented propane tanks. A lightning rod salesman stoped by a few years ago telling how I could get a cheaper insurance rate on my house and buildings after he put the rods up. I called the insurance carrier, they said it made no difference the rate was the same with or without. Frank.
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Pre Pay LP prices
Now that the gasolene price has dropped significantly since we last talked, has anyone seen a huge drop in LP prices yet? I know the oil derivitive or what ever,,,,,, so it should be going down right?
I am going to call tomarro and check on price. The reason for this is the unstable atmosphere in North Korea and the world relations. I know they dont have the oil but if anything starts happening militarily by any countrys, I think this would be an excuse for the price of all fuels to rise? Maybe not? I dont know BUT I think I am going to cut and run (or buy) Was gunna wait till I felt fuel hit rock bottom, but I feel I saved enough cash already by not buying in Aug at $1.69. I will let ya all know in 24 hrs if I bought and for what price.
Wondering if any of you think this crap in North Korea may force the prices back up again? I sure hope not!
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Pre Pay LP prices
Fast forward to 2008------> Hi ya'll I just filled my tank at the lovely price of $2.27 per gallon. Im not chancing anything this year. Got burned bad last winter with the hard cold we had. I run down to 3% in late Feb. Didnt plow for most of that time and had to get it dug out to get a tgruck back in the woods! OOPS! I paid a premium and I will not gamble this year!~
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Pre Pay LP prices
LP max price capped at $2.649 per gallon through May 2009. SW Ohio.
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Pre Pay LP prices
We just filled up with a couple hundred gallons at $2.49. We may replace the water heater and dryer with electric models soon. Electric rates here have gone up about 40% in the last eight years while LP is up 300%.
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Pre Pay LP prices
I better see my bill before I post that price again. This is what I was told it was the day before the 4th. She told me to check the level and call her, I told her to fill it and this was 4 days later.
I will be looking into one of those ceramic thingys this year to help out
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Pre Pay LP prices
One dealer was 2.09 prepay before June 15th., another dealer is 2.19 but doesn't take prepay. Both dealers will honor their prices for the season long as they keep you full on their regular route, if you call them for a trip to you only or if you run out they charge fifty dollars extra for the trip. Frank.
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Pre Pay LP prices
Wow, that is great. They actually honor a set price for the season? Tell me that it is more like a "set monthly charge based on previous use? I would think they would need to buy X amount of LP at a price and they must have a clue? If this is not the case, how do they do that? My dealer/supplier has a rate that will fluctuate daily sometimes. If you need it in Dec. and you did not pre buy gass, your gunna pay!
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