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Squirrel in the House
We finished building our new home this past summer in a pretty rural location. We moved in about a month ago. This past weekend while lying in bed, I could hear some type of mouse or squirrel in the celing. The celing is cathederal, like most in the house, so the animal is between the drywall, and the foam insulation. My question is how do I identify what it is so that I can deal with it? I have never seen squirrels around or on the house, and there was only one obvious opening where the animal could enter. This hole is only 1-in. in diameter, and I would be surprised if a squirrel could fit through it. It sounded like an animal with claws. Could this be mice? I ended up putting poison in the up in the hole. Anyway, if anyone has any experience dealing with this… I would appreciate your comments.
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Squirrel in the House
Any kind of critter may have found a home in there. If you put poison in there it will die and stink up the place if it doesn't have a large enough exit. Mice usually aren't big enough to cause much of an oder, squirrels are a different matter.
Sometimes if is happy in there it is hard to get'em out. If it wants out, placing a light on the outside for guidance is sometimes helpful. In case it was easier to get in than out making a larger exit hole may be helpful. But then, more can enter. Food, water and light can draw it out!
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Squirrel in the House
There use to be a company that sold what was nothing more than a Super Tweeter and it would play high frquency sounds and force the inruder out. Humans could not hear it. It sold for about $30
Here is one that sells for $13.95 http://www.alwaysbrilliant.com/gifs/logov3.gif
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Squirrel in the House
use low brass # 8's. They will go thru the sheet rock and not the plywood. The critter will get the message. Home depot has sky lights that will patch up the holes and make the little lady happy. Two birds with one stone.
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Squirrel in the House
We had a couple of squirrels move into our attic and they raised a brood. Our roof has a big cathedral ceiling but it's open in other areas. I put up a couple of live traps and pulled 13 squirrels out, two adults and the rest little ones. They got in through a gap where three roof planes came together. I jammed some copper wool in there and have had no more trouble in three years.
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Squirrel in the House
I was bitten as a teenager when a squirrel fell through the ceiling. It made dad's welding gloves useless when he bit down and wouldn't let go.
And had a squirrel that died i the ceiling and it did smell the place up.
I'm thinking your scratching might be a small bird instead. The animal--whatever it is---could have been living there for some time before the area was enclosed.
I have seen a sort of "crab net" for lack of better terms that is a one-way deal made of netting that allows the critter to get out through the hole but prevents re-entry. I believe they're used for controlling bats too.
You might be able to smoke them out too. Just how (I'm thinking a leaf blower and small nozzle or a shop vac blowing) will take some creativity as to what to use that won't linger but won't kill them either with carbon monoxide. There are smoke sticks that are used for fit-testing face masks that are intended to irritate the lungs if inhaled. Should be able to buy them at safety equipment shops.
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