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EW has a good point. A larger or even multiple bladder tanks can make a big difference. Most bladder tanks have the ability to hold about 1/3 of their total volume as usable water that the bladder can push out.
You may have to do some "shower training" with the family members. ;O) It didn't take long for the girls to learn that a short or cold shower is waaaaaaay better than no shower at all. They do pretty good now and can take a shower with 20 gallons or less.
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Long showers, now I know why you need 1700 gals. You must have one hell of a hot water heater. You dont need a timer on the pump you need a timer on the shower. I got a 50 gal water heater and my bladder tank cycles twice in 20 minutes.
good luck with that.
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Maybe I do need to check my pressure tank...supposedly it is a 11 gallon draw down, but I can tell you that if I flush the toilet twice, it cycles. I've checked the air in it, and it reads 38PSI. It comes on at 40PSI and shuts off at 60 PSI.
Oh, lucky for me, I do have a 50 gallon hot water heater, fired by my natural gas well on my property. As is my furnace, stove, dryer, barbecue grill, and soon a gas heating stove/fireplace. Now, if I could only figure out how to run my A/C on natural gas....
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put a range top burner in each room and turn it on high. cover it with a metal milk crate. Lights to go.
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For many years there have been gas-fired AC and refrigerators. My '00 camper has an electric/gas-fired frig---they're expensive though, about $1700.
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Followup: I elected to do nothing with the tank system until spring (I don't have the extra $$ right now, and the well has been keeping up if we conserve). But, my pressure tank is coming on too often...It is supposed to turn my well pump on when it comes down to 40PSI, and shut off at 60PSI. When it turns the pump on , it goes slowly up to about 50PSI, and then the meter jumps up to 60PSI, leading me to believe that I may have air in the system??? Any suggestions???
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Blueman, there probably is a valve you can open and drain the water out of where is suppose to be air for compression in your tank. The older style tanks are worse on this than the tanks with the air bladder in them.
As to running your ac off of the gas, as has been pointed out there are systems that use heat to cool. Also, don't they make a generator that uses natural gas to run the engine?
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Also check the 1/4" pipe that the pressure gauge is on, if it is corroded and crap busted off it may be lodged in there causing eradick readings. One more easy one to do, take some sand paper and clean the contact points on your pressure switch, I had one that needed cleaning.
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