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Refrigerator in shop
I put a common home refrigerator in the unheated portion of my shop, where in past winters it rarely has gotten below 15-20 degrees even at zero or below outside. First question, does any harm come to a refrigerator left plugged in in this situation? Second question, at what point does beer, (common or lite), soda pop, (diet or reg), freeze? The fridge could be moved to the heated portion, but I hate to give up the space, Thanks. Frank.
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Refrigerator in shop
I have had diet pop burst on medium-high setting in my home frig's freezer. What temp is that? Dunno.
My buddy has two friges in his unheated welding shop that go none stop. But he uses one to keep wleding rod cold and the other for food.
You could turn it down when it's cold out but I have to think the cold will eventually soak into the frig over time.
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Refrigerator in shop
Hate to: But I gotta ask: Why would you keep rod cold in a fridge?
Most use a old fridge, no cooling, with a light bulb on 24/7 to help keep humidity away.
Juut askin...
Gotta agree eventually cold would soak thru and freeze stuff.
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Refrigerator in shop
We just bought a fairly cheap fridge for the garage as our old one finally played out. Our garage, while not technically heated, the furnace is in there, rarely gets below 35 degrees.
We found that the freezer in the new fridge was only getting to about 15 degrees when it should easily get to zero or below. Called the seller of the fridge and they said the new, cheaper fridges have poor compressors installed in them and they should not go in unheated spaces. He also said the more expensive models that have separate controls for the freezer and the refrigerator area are the only ones that should be used in unheated areas.
Not sure if he is blowing me off or not, but something to consider.
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Refrigerator in shop
Frank, interesting question because I buy beer by the keg. I have a fridge and freezer in the basement where it may get down to 40 degrees but not colder than that. I often leave kegs in the garage in the winter but take care not to leave them there if it will get colder than 32 degrees farenheit. I looked up your question about freezing temperature with google:
"My Question is: At what temperature does beer freeze? Thanks!
Answer: Beer can't really freeze completely. The water in the beer will freeze at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on the alcohol content of the beer will decide the amount that won't freeze (Alcohol freezes at -173 degrees Fahrenheit). There is a beer style called Eisbock (Ice Bock) which is high in Alcohol. To get such a high alcohol content as in Eisbock the brewers will lager the beer at freezing temperatures and remove the top layer of ice. This removes water from the beer leaving a higher percentage of Alcohol. Cheers"
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Refrigerator in shop
I have an 8 x16 storage building with a small Nat Gas heater, small AC and a small Frig in it.
I keep a little heat in it all winter due to the Frig.
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Refrigerator in shop
Thanks for the info guys. I did talk to the local appliance dealer about it a few days ago, he sold us the frige 10 yrs. ago. He said that with the type of compressor ours has that a small electric heater should be installed on the compressor to keep the oil from getting too thick. We moved it into the warm shop, it had been in the house up til this winter. That's interesting about the temp of beer freezing. My neighbor tells me that pop will stay thawed below 32 because of the sugar in it, Diet pop he says is just colored water and chemicals, it freezes.
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