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I got approved again
Inspector did not trust my "new" soil tester. I thought I had it all wraped up and was ok on a LOW MOUND system. OOPS, inspector called and said,"not so fast" He wanted to look at things. In the end I was told my guy done a great job infact he prbably could of went the other way a bit.
Question, I may be the only one living in my new house I build and maybe not? How large a system would you think ahead for? I am thinking about putting in 2 bathrooms (both full) along with a stool out in my mud room with a shower for me and my love of my life (my Lab). Ya think 2 baths is over kill for a house that may only occupy me and my dog down the road? Kids are movin out! I delayed plans for awhile since my job is booming and nothing else seems to be around the new property in Eau Claire, Wi area!
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I got approved again
Code here specifies the septic size based on how many bedrooms are in the house. We had to put a 1500 gal. tank in for a five bedroom home. To extend the life of the septic system I'd recommend putting in a SepticProtector washer lint filter. It's amazing how fast it fills up with lint that would otherwise get washed out to the drain field and eventually plug it up.
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I got approved again
Thanks, I forgot to mention. My house will be a 1 bedroom on the books but ya know how it goes out in the sticks. That one bedroom just may morph into a 3 someday.
One for me
one fore my ZOEY dog
one for her furture replacement.
In this case, since they are not toilet trained.
I have a good idea of who and how many will be in my house but the rooms (bed and bath) will never jive with the actual usage. She will only be full a few times a year unless I find a good woman that wants to move in with me.
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I got approved again
BA, for my two cents worth, put in a 'standard' septic system geared to take a pair of full bathrooms and a powder room (or your shower) too.
It's a bunch easier to add in an extra pottie or two than it is to replace a too small septic tank and field. In our area it's officially okie-dokey to put in a larger tank than is needed but only the size of tile field required for the existing plumbing fixtures. If you add in more bathrooms later all you have to do is have them come back and add onto the existing tile field.
Spend a little more now, you'll save a bunch later.
Bedsides, if you ever decide to sell that place somebody else is going to want the extra capacity.
Best of luck.
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