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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
The wife's Maytag drier just bit the big one, it is eleven years old and probably isn't worth a service call, so we are probably going drier shopping later today. I think this is our third set of Maytag's in 46 years, they just seemed to run almost forever without any problems. They always cost more but seemed to be worth it. Now since the buyout, takeover, whatever happened to Maytag, is a Maytag still worth the extra cost or are they just a rebagged sometning else that isn't worth the extra cost? Frank.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
Major appliances are like tractors. They're simple, hardy, and design proven, but when they need servicing you get the wrenches or spring for a service call. (Actually, Frederick Maytag started his company in the 1890s making farm equipment.)
We always stuck to Maytags, so every time Consumer Reports did a test that includes Maytags (fairly often) we checked so we could feel good. But we never did. In terms of problems, their washers, driers, fridges, and diswashers rate just a little better than half-way up the list of brands. So we're convinced that the best aspect of Maytags is their advertising.
To answer your question, new "Maytags" are actually made by the company that took it over, Whirlpool. But it might be a simple problem like a rusty terminal or broken belt, and a service call for diagnosis might cost less than the built-in charge for pickup, delivery, and installation. If not, go to your nearest library and ask a staffer where you can find Consumer Reports.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
When Whirlpool bought Maytag they closed all the factories and laid off almost all of the employees. Now Maytags are rebranded Whirlpool machines, and the legendary quality is gone. They are trading on the name now.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
It's just amazing what can happen with stock market driven business! Look what the futures just did to us for the price of gasoline!
Aol just had a big article about the decline of Maytag in quality.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
I probably kinda went against the grain here but there is a new Maytag humming away as I write this. I'm supposed to be retired but it seems time is always at a premium around here so going drier shopping today just wasn't going to happen. I called the Maytag dealer we have done business with since forever at about 9:30 AM he recommended a model 5801, I said bring it, at 11:30 the delevery men left with my check for 495.00 and the Mrs. is drying clothed again. Frank.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
You did the right thing because we retired gentlemen need dry clothes and contented wives. She can bask in the legendary quality of Maytag (not knowing that they went belly-up mainly because of quality problems, mainly with their disastrous Neptune line that led to multi-million-dollar class-action suits) and you can feel happy that she has a Whirlpool, a pretty good brand.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
No problem with that, a working dryer is better than a broken one accompanied by wet clothes and an unhappy wife. We're waiting for our Frigidaire's to break one more time (seven service calls in seven years), and when they do they'll get replaced with Bosch. It would probably be cheaper to buy new domestic units every 4-5 years but I just can't pull the trigger on another poorly made set.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
It's kind of hard for us old guys to accept the throw away mentality of todays world. Yes the clothes are dry, the wife is happy, supper smells good, what else counts? I filled out the mail in warranty card a bit ago, they always ask for your income category which I never fill in. I always wondered that if I would mark my income as 100,000.00 or more if they would call and tell me I could have afforded better stuff. Frank.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
They ask the annoying question about income because advertising media, especially print ones, specify the demographics (mainly age, sex, income) of their readership. You only need the receipt to make a warranty claim; there's no requirement for the so-called warranty card to be sent back.
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Is a Maytag still a Maytag
Not saying Maytag did not have good appliances but I have used almost totally the Whirlpool line who bought Maytag and owns many others. They have been top notch for us. If you read many reports on quality of home appliances you see many of the high price brands out there have more problems than the old, lower price name you have known for years. kt
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