Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
The plumbing system in our farm house has two sewer vents thru the roof that are both part of the same system.
Both go into the attic as 1 1/2 PVC then are stepped up to 3 in. before they go thru the roof, they are at opposite ends of the house. Whenever the wind blew more than just a breeze it sounded like a non stop steam train whistle till one or the other would frost shut just above the roof. After figuring out the reason for all this I put another trap in the system that kept the air from whistling thru from one vent to the other. I'm a long way from being a sewer vent expert, but I think it was caused by the wind currents going over the roof causing there to be a bit more or less siphon effect on a vent pipe???
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
I would bet that most building codes in the US would frown on any venting to the attic.
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
I'm a bit confused re the freezing shut of the vent at the roofline. Only air in there so unless you mean covered with snow, it should not freeze shut.
In high winds the vents will pull a vacuum, they actually suck the water down in my toilets a bit on those occasions, no comments please 
I have never heard sewer vents whistle, but given the location, I would guess it could happen. Most likely you could place some sort of cap on them that would disrupt the wind current and still allow them to operate effectively.
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
Yes, it seemed the moisture in the vent air would freeze to the inside of the vent pipe above the roof line till it was blocked. The train whisle sound did stop when a vent froze shut, but we could then smell sewer gas in the house. This happened several times the first winter, and which one froze seemed to depend on the direction of the wind. After the trap was put in stopping the free flow of air from one vent to tne other it hasn't happened again in 13 winters since. Frank.
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
I may not fully be in understanding of Cutter but I do agree it does not seem like there would be enough moisture in a vent pipe that has mostly gases in it to freeze shut. But I learned long ago just cause I have not seen it happen does not mean it can not.
Ken as to Codes not liking venting into attic...all I can say is some points do vary a good bit. One that surprises me at least 10 years back when our house was built was low voltage lines had nothing related to them. Don't think they would have cared if on top of studs for sheet rock to have laid on them. Matter of fact electrician ran one door bell wire that way and it was me who required it to be moved not code.
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
Up here lots of folks have electric heater cables in the vent stack to keep them free all winter.
Any time you have warm humid air exposed to cold air it will condense and freeze, that builds up until it's blocked solid.
You either heat the vent stack or put up with the gurgling till spring.
Best of luck.
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
Ok guys, I did not change a thing and I have not had a leak for a couple of weeks now, add that to the 13 years of no leaks and I still think it is wierd, even with the condensation theories, why so spotty?
Anyway gotta count your blessings 
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
Colder air has lower moisture levels. You need just the right temp and moisture level for it to happen enough to show up. My guess is if you were to place say a tissue on the floor you would notice the sign of a few drops on it but not enough to show on the carpet.
Or it is due to global warming and since this winter is global cooling it happened but I like my first thought better.
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
Dennis, maybe it's those Turkey Vultures you had a problem with, now they're playing games, messing with you trying to get even for you chasing them off.

Best of luck.
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Attic condensation Leak exhaust duct
I was thinking more along the lines of mice having parties up there and using the "can" to relieve themselves 
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