wet insulation
OK, I do not have the interior board installed yet, just the insulation (2 layers) and then OSB then Tyvak and then steel. I was planing to take out the insulation exposing the OSB, spray with vineger and let dry and see what happens. It's easy to say to rip everytrhing out, however that is a lot of money to spend if I don't have to. There seems to be mold in a couple of places in the entire wall. I'm just sick about this.
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wet insulation
OK, please understand there are no interior boards. It's steel, tyvak,OSB, insulation batts with vapor barrior. The mold is on the warm side of the OSB. I agree by using the double layer of inulation and not removing the vapor barrier on the first or cold side layer I trapped moisture in the walls. The wet is in a few spots not the entire wall.. I'm pulling the insulation down and letting the OSB dry out before spraying vineger. I am also thinking about having a 1" layer of foam sprayed over the OSB to stop the mold. I know spend now or spend later, easy to say but I don't have the money to spend now.
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wet insulation
Neighbors u 2 lakes over.
You will have problems with the osb and steel next to each other. You may be able to mitagate it somewhat.
I think you can minimize the issues by ensuring there is a air gap between the insulation and the osb. Either use thin verticle strips or the thin foam sofit vents used to keep insulation away from roofs blocking air flow. I would also make sure there are holes in the top plate to allow air movement. In addition to that use just 1 vapor barrier next to the warm wall only.
Good Luck I'll also ask a couple of buddies over at Finger Lakes for their thoughts.
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wet insulation
I know it's too late now snd perhaps you have learned this too by now. Somebody makes a chipboard now with a glue that will not absorb water, one of the guys at the local lumber yard was showing it to me. It has a shiny appearance rather than the dull look of regular chipboard. They have a small piece in a bucket of water that has been there for a couple months and has shown no sign of swelling so far.
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wet insulation
Well I pulled out more insulation and the problem is everywhere some a little some worse. Only good thing is its white mold not the blsck stuff. I'm have a foam insulator comeing over to give me a price on foam. I understand that will seal off any mold that is trapped in the wood and prevent anymore contact with warm to cold.
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wet insulation
Well I just got a quote form Sunrise Insulators over in Dundee for 2200. This is for 3" of foam, gaurenteed to stop further moisture problem and prevent any air flow into the walls. The only down side is I will have to scrape all the material that I have put in so far. Throw away 2000 and spend another 2000 grand plus. 
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wet insulation
I do not think I'd throw it away. What do you have for attic space? Peel the barrier off it and add to attics.
Craigs list also will work.
Also receipts for energy tax credits this year.
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wet insulation
Yup, I'm with you on that, Bagged uo the stuff and put upstairs for future install. I started to remove some paneling that I had started,wanted to look and see how bad that was, it's wet as well, I will be able to reuse it as it came off pretty easy, just had to slice it along the top edge because the drop cieling is in place at that location.
Thanks to everyone for the help.
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wet insulation
A great source for informatio on this topic is http://www.buildingscience.com/doctypes/designs-that-work
There is alot of info that is specific to the many climatic regions. You should also search their site for insulation installation instrucitons.
Hope this helps!
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