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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
Yes, has adjustable pressure.
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
kwschumm, Just a follow up to the follow up. I have put about 3 hours on the pressure washer so far. I changed the oil in the engine today since it was looking dirty and very fine metalic particles suspended in it. I cleaned my 4410 with it today and it works great!!! I will put a few more hours on it before I change the pump oil. The engine starts easy (usually with in 2 pulls. The hose, pressure wand, nozzles are all very good quality and work well. Heck, I have been looking for things to pressure wash around here!
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
Chief, I'm still waiting for mine to arrive I'm still amazed that they shipped yours for free using Fedex freight. Wow!
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
Chief, my ProJet washer arrived today. Here's a review.
It arrived in two boxes via Fedex ground. The biggest box contained the CAT pump attached to the Honda GX-270 engine and mounted to the frame base with wheels already attached. The smaller box had the handle, oil, hose, wand, and hardware kit that had the six nozzles and attachment hardware required for assembly. It was all well packed.
I looked for manuals and didn't find any - a call to ProJet confirmed I should have received an envelope with manuals and startup information and they said they'd ship them to me.
How hard could it be to assemble and startup? Bolting the handle to the bottom frame with the four supplied bolts, nuts, and washers was very straightforward. I then had to attach the quick disconnects to the pump and the hose. The pump end was already wrapped with teflon tape but I needed more teflon tape to attach the disconnects to the hose. Since I couldn't find the tape I have (it's here *somewhere*) it was off to the hardware store to buy some. Once all the disconnects were attached everything snapped together.
I had no instructions on the pump, but it has a sight glass on the end and the oil level was up to the line so once I removed the pump vent tab labeled "remove tab for operation" I figured it was all set to go.
The Honda engine was shipped dry so I needed to fill it with oil. It had two oil fill caps which was sort of confusing. I went online and downloaded the engine manual from Honda's web site. One of the filler caps was for the engine and the other was for the transmission. Transmission? Not sure what that's about. I added a quart to the engine filler and then cracked open the transmission fill cap and some oil seeped out. Since it seemed to have oil already I proceeded. Set the choke, open the fuel shutoff valve, set the throttle to 1/3, one pull on the starter and it started right up. I was impressed!
I only ran it for a couple of seconds since it wasn't hooked to water yet. My first job was to wash the deck. I moved it around to the deck, hooked up the water, and started it right up. Man, I love this thing - it did a beautiful job, and is much quieter than the Karcher I used before.
The hardware is top-notch, chromed steel wand, big beefy connectors that connect with a "snick" sound that just exudes quality, beautiful machine work on the pump (and it's a pretty anodized blue color!), sturdy frame, smooth pneumatic wheels with zerk fittings, a nice flexible 50 foot hose with built-in stress reliefs on each end, and a trigger assembly that is a work of art and incredibly easy to control.
Complaints are few. It came with a hose that was stamped 3000 psi, but the washer is a 3200 psi unit. I called ProJet and they said the hose had a burst rating of 12,000 psi and would work fine with the unit. That didn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling, but it is covered by the warranty so I let it go - for now. I will contact the hose manufacturer and verify this information. The unit has a larger footprint than should be necessary so it's a little cumbersome to move around (especially up the stairs to our deck). The cart has no built-in storage for the wand so it just lays across the cart anywhere it fits. Lastly, they really should have shipped the manual set with the unit. I get the impression that ProJet is overwhelmed by their web sales and is really trying to staff up and service customers at the same time.
All in all, I really like this unit. The five year pump warranty and two years on everything else gives me a lot of confidence that this unit will do everything I need it to do for a long, long time.
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
kwschumm, just checked the Stateline Power web site and the Coleman Pressure washer you gave the heads up on is out of stock! Must have been a popular item. Again, I can't thank you enough for giving me a heads up on that pressure washer. It is GREAT machine and does an outstanding job! Already done my first engine oil change. Only takes a quart, cheap insurance. Works great on the 4410.
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
I'm really glad it's working out for you Chief! It did seem like a good deal.
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
just got one today , It's a 6 horse honda powered 2750 psi 2.5 gal per min. unit that came with 5 nozzels. used it today for about 3 hrs cleaning the cedar fence, seems to be great for what they consider a premium residential model, for just under $500.As I sit here typing the wife is outside spraying everything in site, so I got go stop her before she blows the windows out of the house????????? see details at www.xr2750.com
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
Hi Plots,
I went to Home Depot and bought the same one you got the XR2750. It came in a box, and needed only a few things to put it together. When I read the operators manual I was shocked when it says the machine was bought on a "Final Sale" basis do not return to the store if you have a problem.
So quess what I had a problem with the pump filler plug. It says to remove the red plug used for shipping or hot oil could be sprayed at high pressure causing serious injury. You need to put in the Black Plug attached.
So I unthread the red one, which fits real nice, and I try to put the new one in. Now I am real careful. I check where the red plug threads out from and I match up the black plug to the same spot, I thread reverse to find the the exact spot it threads, but it is real tight, in fact when I look at the red plug and black side by side it looks like the black one may have slightly coarser threads.
So the black plug gets cross threaded and won't seat flat.
So I am thinking... am I losing it, I thread the red in and out 5 times no problem. I monkey around with the black plug to see if I can get it to work no dice.
Heck, now I am not happy, I take it back to the Depot, they give me another Box. Now I am the most paranoid Black plug guy around. Hmmmm I study the red and black plug looks like the same deal as before, not sure that the threads are right.
You guessed it they cross thread a second time.
The box is on my truck, and ready to go back to the depot. I called Devilbiss the manufacturer and I was on hold for a half an hour on this before I gave up!
Interestingly I have not found any info on when and how to add oil to the pump which is a AR (Anori Reverbi) .
So I looked into the biggest power equipment shops around here and they are either out of stock too expensive or don't have the Honda Engine.
At this point I am not about to order this from an internet site where I cannot return it.
I am thinking about buying the Commercial Excell 2700 from the Depot so I can bypass the Black plug and get a better pump. This one costs 697 for 3gpm and 2700 psi. What you think, at least I can return it if I keep my receipt.
Check out the plug in the attached pix or pix 5 to the right. Plots was yours assembled? Did yours thread OK? If you did not put it in and some store jockey did it I would be concerned that it was just hammered flat and could pop out when you least expect it. The red line in the photo below is the plug I am talking about. The little bag attached to the red plug has a picture of a plug with a dipstick attached which is way it would be if it was the next model up the 2700, on the 2750 there is no where a dipstick could go.
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
Well I brought the second one back, and bought the commercial grade 2700 with the crankshaft pump, and the heavy duty Honda 6.5 engine. The black pump plug one has a real dip stick and the threads matched the red plug perfectly and screwed in first and second time sweet.
Aw the pleasure of spending 200 bucks extra. It is a joke that these washers come with a 25 foot hose though, with that short of a hose you have to be super careful not to be blasting the washer with spray. Now off to get an extension.
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Best Pressure Washer for Father s Day
Chuckles, my black plug went right in no problem.seems to be a fine machine, but like you said extra bucks probley got you a better unit. best of luck with it.
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