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empire farm days
Spent Wednesday walking thru more tractors and equipment then could be described. Had a great time and the day was way to short as I never can get in the tents and still see whats in the field. Around four they said over the P>A> system tat a major storm was going to be there in 15 minutes. We could hear it and didn't feel we wanted to challange it so we left. I do have a problem with spending a little to mcu time with things of interest and of coarse I do like to look at the other guys equipment. It is always fun from this side to listen to the pitches being given. Saw a lot of great new machines and ideas. Saw more of the newer tractors coming in that I often see mentioed on the boards here. I did have a great time. These shows will often give you the most amount of machinery per acre of any place to look at and I think it would be wise for anyone looking to buy a tractor to spend some time there. If you want to have a good time talk to multiple sales people of the same brands as you can learn alot more as every person has important issues of the equipment they work with.
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empire farm days
Art there was a great write up in the Auburn paper about the changes of the farm and the demographics of the small farmettes. Seems many of the "Boomers" are moving back to the country after they made their bucket full of money and wanna spend it on toys to make them selves part of the earth...and grow something.
I have not been to Show in 13 years now. Seems like we are so busy this time of year just can not justify it.
But 1 good ole boy was telling how 20-25 years ago the big boys were sneering at the little orange tractors at the field days of course red and green had only utility tractors then. But as he continued nobody is sneering today since that is a very valuable market.
Up Skaneatlas way there is a lot of intrest in mini vinyards. One hell of an expensive undertaking today to start one from scratch.
Glad to here you got away and had some fun. Harvey
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empire farm days
Harvey, I don't know if it's evolution, progress or going backwards. I just call it adjustments to the market. All of life is full of changes and that is a constant just like death and taxes. I listen to the ittle tractor guys telling us that these other little tractor guys will never make it! Theres a seat out there for everyone, just depends on the pockets as to who gets what. Good, bad or just different everyone can find a seat.
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empire farm days
I had really hoped to make the show this year but it was in the middle of the week and ya gotta work sometimes I am hopeing to get the the farm and science show in London Ontario in September. Has anyone been to that show before ?
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empire farm days
I know theres a lot of good shows, I need more time to go to all of them. Haven't been to that one yet.
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