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Concrete step molds
I wouldn't recommend driving on the pavers with a CUT during the spring thaw or when it has recently rained allot. I live in the city and had a contractor put pavers in an L-shaped sidewalk that leads from the street sidewalk to my front entrance and then off to my driveway. He did it with a curved shape and put circular patterns in it. He also did the same with the step. It looks cool and was done about ten years ago for about $5,000.00. It has held up great and only needs backfilling in the cracks on occasion.
In the spring and when it has rained heavily the pavers can be pushed down quite easily with my weight (250lbs.). In my hometown they have put pavers across main street with lots of truck traffic. They replace/reset them every year or so.
I would suggest putting in a normal cement sidewalk and make a drum that has a brick pattern on it. You can then outline the sidewalk with this pattern and use a cement stain to get the desired color. Timing has to be right when putting the pattern on. If you do it too quickly the cement runs. If you wait too long the pressure crumples the upper surface. You need only wait about 10-20 minutes after pouring and final leveling. Lay a sheet of visqueen on the surface to be cover and place the roller on it and roll it one time. Peel off the visqueen and let it dry.
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Concrete step molds
Jasonsewell, Thank you for the feed back. I was planning on the Stone dust, as I just had 20 tons delivery to put in the runnin' shed for my horses and have enough left over to do the walk from the house to the barn. I have just been a little reserved about cracking. I plan on taking my time an doing the install correctly as I want it to last.
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Concrete step molds
Who did you get your stone dust from and what did it run? I'm just curious as I am having some stonedust and shale hauled in this spring. The guy I have been using keeps raising their prices.
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Concrete step molds
Well I had a friend who was giving me a really, really good deal, But he retired and I had to look else where. I ended up at Riverside out on 45. Pending what you are going to do with it, riverside has the Blue stone and it is a little better for not turning to concrete and cloding up. I just got it deleivery last friday ( Truck driver took out part of my pasture fence, Glad I had the tractor to fix it ) It ran $9 a ton plus $3 a tone delivery, end really is $12 a tone and I got a truck load. Which varies from 16 - 20 tons. Mine was 17 tons and cost me just over $200.
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Concrete step molds
wbowhunt: If you wanted some printed material explaining different installation procedures for different soil conditions, I would be glad to mail it to you. E-mail me with your address if you would like it. I have a ton of literature on installation.
We have a mine one town over and it is the source of the strongest trap-rock on the east coast, Tilcon. They shipped their stone on the rails to florida to use in the concrete for the space shuttle launch pad. They only charge $12 per ton for stonedust, so your price sounds right on the money.
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Concrete step molds
That would be great . I will E-mail you. I haven't take on a project quite as big as the one I am looking at this summer. So anything would be greatly helpful. Thanks
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