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Chimmney Fires
My parents had a woodstove (Timberline) when I was little (they still use wood now. My mom was very cold natured so she kept the stove burning extremely hot!!! She had an old rocking chair setting about 4 feet away from the stove and the varnish started to bubble on the chair. She got it so hot once, that she had the stove pipe cherry red and ended up melting the heat sheild in the stove which started a fire in the chimney and cracked the flu liner. Needless to say, dad had to draw the line on hot fires. Now they just burn it hot for about an hour and you can hear the creosote flaking off and falling into the clean out. They tried the stuff you buy off the TV but it didn't work for nothing.
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Chimmney Fires
Have got to run them hot with dry HARDWOOD.
My house is 4 yrs old, burn 4-5 cords a yr. with an allnighter woodstove. Have never had to clean the stack
just the clean-out. The creosote will drop down when the
chimmney expands from the hot fire.
I buy year old cut and split,(getting lazy)and put it right in the cellar.If you try to make it last buy slowing down the fire you will plug up.
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Chimmney Fires
I agree with the point about seasoning the wood, it is the MOST critical part of the process.
I burn about 3 full cords a year and have for a long time, I've never (touch wood) had a chimney fire yet. The wood I burn is all hardwood and is a minimum of 1 full year old, usually close to 2 years old. I have the chimney inpected every spring and there is never more than a dusting of creosote in it. Twice a year I burn a 'chimney sweeping log' for good measure, they're cheap insurance. I don't know how widely they are available, but they are a man-made compressed sawdust log impregnated with a chemeical which causes the creosote to dry out flake off and fall down the chimney to be burnt up.
A good check for your firewood is to buy an inexpensive moisture meter from a wood-working supply shop and measure the wood. It should never be more than 10% relative humidity.
Best of luck.
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Chimmney Fires
another consideration is the draft,is your chimmney top
above your highest point in your roof?18-36" is a good
rule of thumb.
Is your woodstove on it's own flue?
just some thoughts.
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Chimmney Fires
Next time you have a chimmney fire take a road flare and throw it in the fire place and by by chimmney fire!
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Chimmney Fires
Rock salt thrown in the fire box will also loosen creosote in stove pipe or flue. Don't recomend useing this method in fire place as it pops an flies around quite a bit. This seems to work as perodic maintance. I still climb up on the roof with the old log chain at least once a year. Makes me sleep better Good luck . Getrdun
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