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going for land speed record
Pasture's too wet to drive the tractor much less do anything with it, so i grabbed a ladder, chainsaw, tree pruner, etc. & spent some time trimming low hanging branches to make it easier to mow. My old tractor didn't have a ROPS & the exhaust was horizontal so if i could duck under the vegatation i was good to go. The new one has the ROPS (of course) and a vertical stack so i figured i needed to clear branches before i bent or broke something. I gotta admit the pasture is looking pretty good & with all those branches cleared away i outta be able to set a bush-hogging land speed record! And only one fireant bite today....life is good....
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going for land speed record
I tried that today, but I got tired of having heavy branches of snow unload on my head!
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going for land speed record
Snow? What's that???? 75 deg today, supposed to be 77 tomorrow. I have to admit, that's pretty warm even for South Texas at this time of year.
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going for land speed record
Snow is the thing that keeps fire ants down there where it's warm, the snow puts out their fire up here in the frozen north, .
Best of luck.
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going for land speed record
i have seen it snow here twice in my life. yesterday it was a balmy 99 (oh boy) i wish for snow.
themometer on porch said 130 at 2pm.in direct sun. yummy
welcome to the sunshine state land of encephilits, rattlesnakes, ball bearing sand,yellow flies,outrageous taxes. the entire population of south america
and folks from new jersey.
wont you join us? 
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