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Backwards block and tackle with hydraulics
Since we do not have a hydraulics forum I'll post this here.
If I want to anchor a hyd cylinder to a large stump and be able to pull on another stump 48" or so and have a 22" to 24" stroke on the cylinder how would I configure the snatch blocks?
Would a single part line do it or would I have to go to a 2 part.
Going to attempt 1/2" cable with just enough to make the block arangement work with other cables and chain to the stumps.
Plus every now and then when skidding I might use it to get a big log up and out of a percarious place.
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Backwards block and tackle with hydraulics
If I visualize this correctly, you want to double the distance the 'load endof the cable moves' moves.
1) Hydraulic Cylinder starts extended, 'pulls' to retracted position.
2) The load end of the cable moves twice the stroke of the cylinder, ignoring any slack.
One possibility is to fix a pulley on the rod end, another on the 'other' stump. Tie the cable to the 'other' stump, run it through the rod-end pulley, and back through the pulley attached to the stump. The free end of the rope will move twice the distance of the stroke, but at only 1/2 the force, as the cylinder is retracted.
In the real world, there is so much slack in this setup, it would be very difficult to make it work.
Have Fun,
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Backwards block and tackle with hydraulics
DUH! I'd forgotten I'd loose some pulling power. But me thinks I can counter the slack issue with chains and hooks.
Thanks for that pull power thought Bliz.
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Backwards block and tackle with hydraulics
If you look at my pic #20, I posted a diagram.
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Backwards block and tackle with hydraulics
Thanks Bliz the diagram is copied, printed and in my things to ponder when I have time to play with it book.
I got that cylinder out of the dumpster at work it is 45" end to end, 8"x30" cylinder, the shaft is 3.75" with a 22-23" stroke and 3.25" pins.
Me thinks it is a little much for the splitter so looking for another use for it.
Thanks again Harvey
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Backwards block and tackle with hydraulics
That's some big cylinder. My first thought was 'What a helluva stump puller .....'
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