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Filling propane from big tank
Not that I would encourage this of course: But why couldn't a guy, with proper fittings and in a concerned manner, fill a BBQ size tank from his larger (500g) propane tank?
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Filling propane from big tank
You could IF you have a fitting for the bottom of the tank and a pump. Sometimes if it was warm enough outside my Dad could fill his tank in the car without the pump. (Car ran on propane permenent mounted).
A simpler solution: Why not run a line from big tank to BBQ? Thats how mine is.
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Filling propane from big tank
I too grumble about the price per gallon we pay for LP in the little tanks and the fact that your shiny new tank dissapears forever at those tank swapping cages. Remember what you're handling, a high pressure, highly flammable substance. I used to handle lots of Anhydrous Ammonia, pumping it from tank to tank, etc. and have had some close calls. Anhydrous ammonia will not burn or explode, but it will kill you if you inhale enough of it by freezing your lungs, or blind you by getting a shot in your eyes, so even tho I growl about paying a zillion bucks a gallon for LP in the tiny tanks it just isn't worth the safety risk. Frank.
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Filling propane from big tank
Billy is right, if maybe not clear enough, the line off your big tank (or any tank for that matter) that leads to an appliance is a vapour only line. It comes off the very top of the tank and in fact usually has liquid blocking valve inside it to prevent liquid going to your appliance.
You would need to have a means of accessing the liquid propane. I have seen lots of plumbers who (quite illegally) regularly refill those little 16 oz. 'disposable' tanks by means of a pigtail made up with the two fittings ?(tank and bottle) but no regulator. They hook the two together then invert the BBQ tank and open it's valve, the vapour drives some liquid down into the bottle until the pressure equalizes. You don't get a full bottle, but it's obviously FAR cheaper.
If you use your BBQ a lot it would make more sense to change the ine set to a longer one and use a 100 lb. tank instead, they have a 'liquid fill valve' and are filled by the gallon not the pound.
Best of luck.
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Filling propane from big tank
It is also common here. A farmer friend of mine, who died recently (in his 80's) had all his tractors on propane (aging back to the 40's IH). He had a large storage tank and a smaller one on a trailer. He could take the smaller one around the property and fill any tank.
Vapor pressure was used on all the tanks to transfer liquid. It is slower but less problematic than with a pump.
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Filling propane from big tank
Eric, it's funny you mention LPG-powered tractors. In the early 80's the Gov. was really pushing LPG-powered vehicles and diesels were not yet popular. There were big tax incentives to convert, including no sales tax on purchases of converted vehicles.
Several local farmers converted their older gas tractors, one in particular though, a pig farmer, had a really novel idea. He built an enclosure to hold the manure, then a vapour extraction / collection system, and finally a compressor which filled a storage tank. It collected the methane gas from the pig manure which he then used as fuel for his tractor.
The system worked fairly well, except, the tractor's exhaust smelled distinctly like that of the pigs themselves.... .
Best of luck.
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Filling propane from big tank
Go to harborfreight.com they have a fitting to fill the propane bottles. (10-15 bucks) LP and Propane are same C3H3 chemilcal formula.
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Filling propane from big tank
LP or LPG is an acronym, it means Liquified Propane, or Liquified Propane Gas.
So yes, propane is the same as propane.
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Filling propane from big tank
That propane fitting from Harborfreight is for filling small Coleman style tanks from a 20lb tank. It is not for filling 20lb tanks from your big pig tank.
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Filling propane from big tank
Propane has the formula C(3)H(8)
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