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Posted Signs
Hi Guy’s,
Posted Signs
I went down to a local hardware store and saw a roll of 100 signs, went to the check out and they where 50.00 some odd dollars for the roll. I thought that was a bit steep. Or does that sound reasonable for signs? Any good sources? I checked TSC online and didn’t see any on there when I searched.
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Posted Signs
Brian, I don't know what kind of signs they are, I presume from your description of them being a roll, they are printed plastic sheets that must be affixed to something to be of any use.
The co-ops up here got a silk screening company to make some up on rigid plastic sheets. They are about $0.10 each in quantity.
Our trespass laws were revised a few years back and all we have to do to 'post land' is place placards with a 4" or larger red dot on them around the perimeter. Most people make them using anything handy (aluminum siding works well) and using a stencil and some fire engine red paint spray the symbol on. a quart of red paint makes an awful lot of 4" red dots.
As a completely off-topic mental 'left-turn' your mention of posting signs made me think of all the home-made signs we see up here. We do a lot of private road maintenance, apparently private roads are an irresistible invitation to post home-made signs. Most of them however are written without basic grammar in mind. Some of my favourites are, "Slow Children" and "Use road at your own risk". If the poor kids aren't very bright, there's no need to embarass them by advertising it, and as for risks, most of the drivers I've seen put everybody but themselves at risk on those roads.
Best of luck.
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