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Bats in my Belfry
For several months we have had a bat using the alcove above the front door as a nightly potty stop in his travels. I tried all the standard remedies including moth balls with no success. In fact it seemed to actually perch on the moth cake package to poop.
Finally I ran a separate extension cord outside (so I could still turn the porch lights on and off) and set up a sonic pest repeller. I don't think they work very well for mice and such but they sure work on bats.
I guess those sonic waves speak in a language bats understand. Anyway, we have been bat(poop)free for a week now.
Give it a try if you need to run off some flying rats.
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Bats in my Belfry
Actually Mark, although your wife might disagree, you don't have 'bats in your belfry'. A belfry is a bell tower, aside from maybe a door bell, I don't think you have a bell above your front door.
The correct terminology in that case then I suppose would be "Bats in your bell-free".....
Whatever the case, 8 points for creativity instead of the back of a shovel, those little buggers eat more moths and mossies than you could believe.
Best of luck.
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Bats in my Belfry
Actually Murf, I do have a brass bell in there, but your point is well taken. (edited to take out "humor" that didn't sound very funny)
Anyway, with West Nile here now, I like having the bats around, except when they get in the house. So I would never use snake tools on them. Besides, I am already a grave danger to the furniture and lamps just walking around them.
Can't imagine how much damage I could do playing badminton with a shovel in the living room.
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Bats in my Belfry
If you have some scraps of wood around and can hit a nail OTHER than one on your thumb you should make some 'bat houses' for the little buggers. I made up some a few years ago at the behest of my missus, I was rather skeptical at first, but they are very well used now. Between them and the Swallows the mossie count is way down over what it used to be.
On a lighter note, I don't know what inventory you have in the pet department but I can assure you, the little guy in my picture # 7 & I get in trouble on a regular basis 'entertaining' ourselves indoors.
Note to self: "If you dusted more often it wouldn't be that bad." is NOT, absolutely NOT a good reply to "Look at all the dust you two are stirring up!!!". On the other hand, an expensive dinner out now & then is not so bad.....
Best of luck.
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Bats in my Belfry
Speaking of bell towers..... I read somewhere that Quasimodo was a half-breed.
Apparently his dad was Fullymodo.
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Bats in my Belfry
Quasimodo, now that name rings a bell .......
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Bats in my Belfry
Groan... It must be a slow question day. 
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