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Corrosive Well Water Problem
Having some well problems again after replacing the pump and alot of the pipe only 18 months ago. Last time the the water was so corrosive it rotted out some of the pipe between the pump and my acid neutralizer. Not sure if it is the same problem this time.
The well guy said there have been alot of instances of lightning burnout for wells and that it could be covered under my home owners policy if it turns out that way.
I was wondering if any one has any experience with an alternative to the regular steel pipe I have in my well. Unfortunately I have alot of it, 460 feet. So price could easily be a factor.
Not having water is not much fun, sometimes I feel like I ought to drill another well as I only have 7 gallons a minute anyway.
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Corrosive Well Water Problem
GEEEEZE Dennis I thought I had the potent water. Mine is full of sulfur and gas. The top of my well casing is just about rotted off, 15 years. It is artisian so I gravity feed a settling tank and get rid of the gas. Mine system is all plastic and have replaced most fixtures and the pump once.
I can sneek a plastic liner down my well and save it. You might be able to also and cut in and replace your pitless connection. You might have to find a odd sixe sch40 plastic that will fit inside your casing and yet allow a submergible to also fit. Or maybe a deep well jet?
We keep looking at the new well idea but this water is so soft everthing just looks so clean AND IT IS A FACT THE LAB THAT TESTED IT SAID IT IS THE CLEANEST (no bacteria) SAMPLE THEY HAVE EVEN SEEN FOR UNFILTERED WATER. It is not bad drinking after the clorinator and charcol filter. It is a little tough on bare metal though and will kill a car battery if used to top off cells.
Keep us posted on your resolution. Harvey
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Corrosive Well Water Problem
The guys are pulling the pump now as the pump motor was drawing 34 amps instead of the max of 9. The well guy says that if I want I can also replace the pipe with PVC as they have come out with some heavier weight stuff that can be put down 460 feet like my well, or to any depth no real limit. About $35 per 20 foot length. I guess it is only money.
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Corrosive Well Water Problem
Dennis, your well is about 100 feet deeper than mine.
When they drilled my well in 1972 they used heavy wall PVC for the whole system. That pump and pipe have been there ever since. It has never been pulled and still delivers 14 GPM all day.
My next door neighbor used galvanized and had his pipes rot out in less than 20 years.
PVC will solve a lot of your problems.
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Corrosive Well Water Problem
Dennis, you also need to look a little farther sometimes.
A neighbour at the farm had problems with severe corrosion in his water system also, what made him suspicious though was nobody else in the area had the same problems.
Finally after a few calls to the techies at the pump manufacturer they suggested he have the well and plumbing checked electrically.
Sure enough, between the grounding of various items in the house to the plumbing system, the well and the chemical makeup of the water, there was enough electrical potential in the system to set up a nesty galvanic reaction. The whole system had basically become a big battery. They changed a few things and added a little gizmo to kill the electrical current being created and the problem disappeared.
Best of luck.
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Corrosive Well Water Problem
I have told the guys to put in the new heavy wall PVC pipe, they are checking the pump at the shop now. Also go figure you are in a desert with 14 gpm and I am in the land of constant rain with a measly 7 gpm at 460 feet.
Interesting idea, most people in my area have corrosive water though, but while all the homes are the same age mine has two outages to zero for the other 7 neighbors all built within the last seven years, mine being the oldest.
I am going to check with the insurance company about the lightning burnout now.
Thanks guys!
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