Houses Sinking
The Japanese are struggling with an entire airport that is sinking into the ocean. Thay created a man-made island, I think in Tokyo Harbor that has sunk 2 feet since it was built, and continues to sink into the ocean constantly. The columns in the lower level of the main Terminal building are jacketed with collars and hydraulic jacks. Every day, maintenance workers adjust the columns to make up for the differential settlements.
This is a $2 billion fiasco.
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Houses Sinking
Governments are on the hook for liability settlements through planning and zoning approvals and building inspections. We all end up paying as taxpayers through. I've heard speculation that a major motivation of privatization has more to do with distancing governments from lawsuits than with supposed efficiency.
There was a case some years back where a condo high-rise with an underground parking garage had a small creek flowing through the garage and the foundations were failing. Zoning allowed such structures and the contractor had gone through all permits and inspections. The under-ground aquifer that was the problem was well known, and the zoning planners, the contractor and inspectors likely knew about it. Government still ended up paying.
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Houses Sinking
I think things were gotten away with and probably still are that would shock most honest people. I could, (but absolutely won't) show you an apartment building and a house in two differnt parts of our county that were built on top of filled in garbage dumps in late 60's. To my knowledge both are still standing. I watched as both were done and could'nt imagine how building permits were issued for either. Strange things happen. Some day not "if but when" all of this comes to light who pays? Likely the owner will be the loser, or the Government. Who is the Government? Us, so we all share the burden of things that were "Goten away with" in the past. Enough from me. Frank.
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Houses Sinking
Tom, that condo was the project I was mentioning earlier in this thread.
It wasn't just that the municipality had allowed the building to go in to a bad spot, they actually made the problem worse.
The Town had been drawing water from that aquifer via a huge Town well directly across the street from the site. When the Region took over the water system from the individual Towns they decided that this well was to be abandoned. After pumping 100's of gallons per day from that site for over 50 years they just switched the pumps off one day. The consultants had told the government to not plug the wells, but instead to allow them to flow into a creek nearby. The government ignored them. This caused the water table in that area to rise by 4' over what it had been.
This condo was not the only property affected. It was the only one that got any media attention however, some well-meaning building official decided at 4:30pm on the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend to issue an order condemning the building. That went over really well.....
Best of luck.
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Houses Sinking
I mean this in a nice way and not to upset you but you really dont want to seperate the northern and southern parts into to two seperate states. Financially we carry the entire state and Long Island being the biggest bank, and without us upstate NY would surpass the poorest state in the nation...so just take the money and be happy
Plenty of conservative folks down here, you just arent looking...
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Houses Sinking
Witch half lays claim to Hilliary? I haven't got anything good to say about any state that willingly harbors Clintons!
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Houses Sinking
Maybe they should chop Hillary in two and each take half...
Speaking of Hillary, I wonder if she got Bill a gift while he was in the hospital, if she did I'm willing to bet it WASN'T a new tie or a box of cigars........
Best of luck.
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Houses Sinking
Duc, no offense taken! My apologies to you for assuming there were no conservatives down south. I went to SUNY at Stony Brook on LI so I have had the benefits of both parts of the state. I didn't know this thread would turn into a discussion of the disadvantages of New York State.
In defense of New York, I believe we have the optimal mix of weather (all 4 seasons and no typhoons) - a good educational system - within striking distance of great mountains and oceans - and to the city for those who like night life. I have 2 pistol permits and had no trouble obtaining them. There are lots of places to work but it is true that the taxes are high.
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Houses Sinking
Hey Yooperpete,
How about being kind to the state that took it on the chin and survived on 9/11 ?? that in itself is a miracle
and we still live today still the direct target, but we dont flinch...gives us more credit then that....The only reason Clinton is in, was because Rudy got sick...she saw an opening and took it...Lazio was a boy and couldnt complete and was never really a presence...could do without the taxes-highest in the nation however
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Houses Sinking
Sorry, no personal attack was meant on you nor the great state of NY!! Please accept my apology. Just can't stand Hilliary. Can't see why anyone would vote her in, don't care who was running against her.
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