Celebrating Earth Day Tomorrow
Former Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson who founded earth day is not a well liked man in some parts of Wisconsin. He along with another "great society" promoter Hubert Humphrey penned the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act which gave the US government rights to force purchase of land on both sides of 155 different rivers around the country. And to make a long story short, the farm I grew up on and now own is short a half mile of frontage on the Namekagon River which we were forced to sell for next to nothing. Plus they still want an additional 1/4 mile deep for "scenic easements" which give you the right to pay property taxes but few rights of ownership.
While I didn't plan it this way, I find it strangely satisfying that I'm celebrating earth day by preserving 1500 sq ft of earth under a 5" layer of concrete drive.
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Celebrating Earth Day Tomorrow
Personnally, I'm going to commune with nature for earth day by peeing on a gopher mound. Or maybe a tree. I'll make up my mind on the walk out there. The tree is closer so if I have to go real bad...
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Celebrating Earth Day Tomorrow
Question: What's a "watermelon environmentalist"?
Answer: Green on the outside, red on the inside.
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Celebrating Earth Day Tomorrow
I plan on burning yard waste (grass, branches etc.) with a mixture of used motor oil and last year's flat gas. The 2-4" blanket of snow we're supposed to get tonight will be a nice cover to prevent the fire from spreading.
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Celebrating Earth Day Tomorrow
Yoop, I'v egot a brush mound that needs burning too. But we've had so much rain I don't know how much gas it would take to get it going. And at $2 a gallon, I don't want to be using too much. But the used motor oil really gets things going once you've got it lit.
Good luck and remember the matches before you poor the gas. I forgot once and it made a real nice whump! once I got back with matches. Wife was not impressed as usual.
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Celebrating Earth Day Tomorrow
Well, mother nature paid me back for being a smart ass about earth day. About half way through the pour the wind became pretty wild and blew leaves all over the wet concrete. Then just after we finished, it started to rain. The next morning I asked my dog how the job looked. She said "rrruff!" I agree.
Anyway, the good news is I ordered exactly the right amount of concrete. We had a third of a yard left to pour into a counterweight form for the Kubota. What a difference that makes when using the loader.
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Celebrating Earth Day Tomorrow
Mother Nature got me too! Didn't get my yard waste taken care of either. The week before I started my sprinkler system up North at the condo. Was staying down state, so my sprinklers were running water on top of 6 inches of snow. We got together with another couple last night. They live on a dirt road. My car nor anything I've ever owned has been this dirty. Anyway, the girls went to see Elton John at the Palace in Auburn Hills. Bob and I went to the bar and got blasted. My head hurts today. Does anybody know if Elton likes to be the engine or caboose? The girls said the concert was good. The beer and hotwings were also good.
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Celebrating Earth Day Tomorrow
Thanks for the laugh Yoop! Got me energized for this Monday afternoon of computer work. sigh... I'd rather be on the tractor.
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