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How much cover for culvert
I'm going to replace a 12" plastic corrugated culvert under my driveway with a 15" double-walled one. The top of the old one is maybe 18" below the pit run drive. Although the old one stood up to fuel deliveries, farm equipment, and even an occasional concrete truck, the BIG trucks that deliver hen manure crushed it down some.
I have re-graded the outflow area and can now put it down about 24" deeper ( 36" inches of cover ). Will this be OK?
Is there a formula or rule of thumb to use? How does the plastic compare to corrugated steel? I've noticed most supply yards just carry the plastic culvert now.
Thanks in advance, bliz
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How much cover for culvert
I'm sure you did your homework, but around here the state and some counties will not allow plastic culverts of any size. Cities/townships are not so picky. The ones I've installed for filling in a ditches have cost about $5/foot. Plastic can be as much as double and the spillways/aprons and other fittings are 2-3x the cost of steel. Doesn't answer your question directly but I have seen as much just afew inches of crushed stone on top. And I have never seen one collapse reagrdless of size or the weight on it.
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How much cover for culvert
36" is plenty for plastic. It's a good idea to place the culvert and fill in around to the top with 2" stone to hold it in place, and then back fill making sure no rocks larger than 2" come in contact with the culvert.
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How much cover for culvert
Blizzard, I'm with earthwks, plastic will fail eventually and my county won't allow it's use, not that I wanted to. Anyways, they make different grades of the steel corragated, they are meassured in gauge thickness of the steel. The last one I installed at the farm was a 4ft.x 20ft. 14 gauge(heavy). The rule of thumb is, half of the diameter for fill over the top, in my case 2ft. This is not to say more or less won't work, depending on local conditions. I only have one foot of fill over mine and drive the backhoe, tractors, and bulldozer over it all the time....it does not even quiver. Get the hevey metal. HTH.
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How much cover for culvert
In my county, you just need to pay the county road commisioner an appropriate bribe or "fee" (cash only please) and they will give you a culvert. ;O)
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How much cover for culvert
I Added 110 feet to my driveway culvert.
The state required 15 inch double wall plastic.
All I had to do was get a free permit from the state.
I've had / used both steel and plastic. After switching from seel to plastic there is no way I'd ever go back to steel.
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How much cover for culvert
Funny how different states or countys have different requirements. Here the county will only aprove double wall plastic. You buy the permit,furnish the fill and hire or do the work yourself to county specs. If you're lucky enough to have a hill top drive they will still aprove a dry fill. Frank.
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How much cover for culvert
15" Plastic (HDPE - high density poly)with 36" of cover is more than adequate. HDPE is a great product. You could get away with 18" of cover as long as heavy traffic was infrequent an it was haunched with select fill instead of pit-run. You'll never have a problem. You might however consider placing an end-section on either end, and perhaps 10' of medium stone rip-rap to prevent silting. Also, just make sure you have 4 to 6 inches of compacted pipe bedding material under the pipe before it is placed. Otherwise, you may get sag in the middle when the dozer (or tractor) places, and compacts the first few feet of pit-run. Good Luck.
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