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No dirt can leave the township.
An interesting situation I've never encountered before.
I was telling my brother the other nite maybe I ought to buy some cheep hill side and holler
acreage close by for fill dirt and when I get it graded off sell the improved property for home sites.
Parts of 3 of the hills of my neighborhood are in our local K. Mart Lowes and Wall Mart parking lots.
One of the hills is a little over a mile down the road from me another is less than a mile down the road and the 3Rd one is from the big hill across the road in front of my place.
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sounds like a plan. I think it'd be cheaper to load up the hill side with dynamite and level it that way.
... and that's why I'm not a construction engineer.
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With fuel prices the way they are, I'm paying my excavator in a couple of weeks to take one of his loaders and dig a small pond from the lower end of my lot and shuttle the dirt (in the loader) to the high side, which is where my house is, surrounded by rock. Going to try to get 6-8" over the rocks and grow a little grass.
Paying to bring in the loader and run it is cheaper than paying for the dirt, then paying to truck it in. Topsoil here sells for ~$25.00 per yard, plus delivery.
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Top soil here sells for ~$25.00 per yard, plus delivery.
Then I'd say the 30 yards I got for $0.oo per yard with free delivery and loading was a good deal.
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With fuel prices the way they are, I'm paying my excavator in a couple of weeks to take one of his loaders and dig a small pond from the lower end of my lot
And this is the reason I bought a tractor with a fel. The movers and haulers wanted $40,000 to dig the pond, dock, deck, sea walls, and associated work. On a deal I got the pond dug for $1,100 and a $9,000 tractor to do the rest.
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At the land fill I work at we actually have our own quarry's. One slate and two clay. I ask why ant they said at $200 a tri axle load this was a better value.
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Take your tractor and go dig some
Swimming pools
Septic tank holes
Small ponds and watering holes
And Keep the dirt
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IBROWN:True -->> but isn't it cheeper to pay for the truck and the loading than it is to pay for the truck dirt and loading?
What is wrong with it? It cost to much to haul.
Why would it cost more to hall than other dirt?
(I have posted this info before and there will be posts from haulers and dirt dealers saying that I'm full of crap. I know what I have witnessed and I too have been short-loaded as a contractor by haulers who WERE friends.)
That's what I asked and my buddy grins as he answers: At least in our area, it's usually the cheap developers/builders who don't want to pay $2 per yard to get rid of it (they probably paid their brother-in-law to dig the basement). Most haulers are the excavators in my area. They are paid by the respectable developer $2 a yard to move it, and charge another $2 to the end user for the dirt so they net $4 a yard profit (a so-called 30 yard truck may only legally be able haul 22-24 yards max.---I'll get to short-loading later). Since the cheap developer who was "giving" dirt away because he wouldn't pay to get rid of it was trying to save a buck (actually $2), the hauler feels he's being ripped off and needs that other $2. So when a hauler approaches someone who needs, say 6000 yards of backfill in his "30 yard" truck he's hoping to make $24,000 at the high end based on what he tells the homeowner end user "200 truck loads at $4 per yard". But wait there's more...he's really only going to deliver 200 loads at 24 yards max each or 4,800 yards not 6,000. So he's charging $24,000 for actually 4,800 yards for which the builder paid him $9600 and the end user ends up paying $5 not $4 a yard----and still gets shorted 1200 yards. Most times the homeowner winds up ordering and paying for another thousand yards which is actually 800 yards. I've explained this argument to my friends building new homes 'til I'm blue in the face and all they understand is they think they're only paying a dollar more a yard---not so when you're shorted to begin with.
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fill dirt here is $55 a load (18yd truck), $75 if you want top soil. The top soil is full of nut grass. What a nice suprise. You can go with a shovel and get all you want for nothing so have at it.
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SG8: I'm from the Detroit area but working in Mississippi cleaning up Katrina for the past 6 months. I'm curious: What is the average age and condition of the dump trucks in your immediate area?
Back home, they are mostly late '90's and up hence the high cost of product (the DOT pretty much targets any older looking trucks so it's not worth getting ticketed for any used truck with a problem). Here in Miss. on the coast a 10 yard load of sand is $100 and people are complaining. Black sand mined from river beds here also called sandy loam top soil back home goes for $75 for 9 yards. The trucks here are much older and in poor condition (okay, really bad). Out-of-staters are coming in with new $130,000 Macks and finding they can't afford to literally make a few dollars a load. Sand going for $100 costs $40 at the pit. 7 years ago when I was hauling topsoil it cost me $50 for 5 yards (yeah, a real 5 yards) and I would get $130, but I had about a $55,000 investment I had to pay for too. That's 687 loads to pay for the truck equipment--with no profit.
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