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Digging Small Lakes
How do you keep the tractor running under 10' of water?
A Tall Intake and Exhaust Pipe? Of course, you’ll need Scuba gear, Ha! Otherwise, -----Excavate FAST ----- before it rains!!!
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Digging Small Lakes
RTB, when I used the word 'profit' was referring to anyone who might 'buy' your soil, not you making a profit.
There is no reason for anyone to buy your soil except a) they need soil and yours is the cheapest, or b) they want to resell it for a profit.
IMHO, the chance of either are, in your case, slim to none.
Also, while thinking out this reply, it occurred to me I was a little off in one aspect of my calculations, the number of truck loads.
When you dig up soil you lose the compaction it is under when in it's native state, undisturbed. This adds about 30% by volume. This is what causes settling after you fill an area, or the hump left when you refill a hole.
That said, a 20 acre hole would not generate 16,400 dump trucks, it would more likely be around 21,500 truck loads.
I'm still not sure you grasp the full extent of the earthworks we are talking about here.
Best of luck.
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Digging Small Lakes
I'm reminded of a buddy who was ecstatic he was going to a millionaire when a paving company next door to him gave him 300,000 cyds that was stripped from a plot to make an inland port for Chrysler to store cars. Then the economy tanked and he tried selling it for $2 a yard, then 50 cents, then free. He got rid of about 2/3 of it in 6 years--all the while the township threatened many times to sue him to get rid of it since it was an eyesore and weed nusiance.
If it sounds to good to be true...
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Digging Small Lakes
Point well taken! I do understand where y'all are coming from. I’m not jumping into the fire on this. I’m trying to research everything first and then see what may come around as reality. I have looked at both sides of this and Yes, it would be nice to think we could sell all of it and make a great amount, but I'm realistic enough to realize that would be the topping on the dream. NADA!
Reality, I would probably come closer to Bartering for what we wish to accomplish. One good piece of good news, today, I talked to the County Commissioner and the Service Department in Wortham and found out they have a project coming up, which they will need soil. So, we will be talking! This will be about 2 miles from our land, so, something may be able to be worked out. It’s a start.
Again I thank all for the comments and it has been a good discussion. As one once said in one of my favorite movies, “I’ve Enjoyed this Conversation” (The Last Samurai)! Anything else anyone wants to add, we appreciate the input.
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