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Grading around pond
We are point to begin final grading around our pond. The area to be graded varies from about 12 feet to about 40 feet wide. For most part smooth but not level grade wise and due to natural grade will not be fully level grade wise but do want to keep the same grade as much around the pond as possible.
I have good rear blade, box blade and then move to disk and field cultivator for really filling in low spots and final level.
Have use of a pull box blade if I chose that but have never used one. Has been suggested to hire road plow as option. Do want to slope the banks so the rain will run into the pond but not much slope.
Believe can do what I need with current rear blade and box blade with help of excavator with blade on it. But want opinion of those who have used pull box blade or road plow or any other suggestion.
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Grading around pond
You can't grade mud without something on tracks so if possible, drain or pump out at least some of the pond, and wait for the dryest season.
What's needed depends on how much cutting/excavating needs doing and how much traction there is. A rear blade will do what a box one will, but slower. If you need more traction on a sloped bank, you can do some of it downhill in a radial direction rather than all in a circular one.
But I think you know more than I do about this stuff.
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Grading around pond
For various reasons we try anywhere possible to keep the ground around a pond or water feature as close to level as possible for as much possible.
In fact our most preferred method is to use large blocks of stone or 'gabion baskets'(see link below) to form a sort of retaining wall around the pond, then place a thin layer of soil and turf on top of that.
The idea being that the shallower the slope surrounding a pond, the safer & easier it is to keep the grass cut to the edge of the water. See picture below.
Best of luck.
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Grading around pond
Blessed with dry banks normally. Have built up the area where water did stand on them and that made big improvement. Can drive around pond with car now.
Boy Murf that is great looking!
Will take excavator bucket and slope the sides into the pond. Little slow but have the equipment to do that safely. The front end of the pond (rectangle shape) is sloped for loading or unloading a boat and would like to slope the sides similar. Back side is a dam and sloping it is not optional. Still have a few stumps along the very edge of pond but those trees were cut four or five years ago and are mostly rotten. Do not want to disturb the sides below grading level.
Along the line asked for help here oh about 2 or 3 years back about algae in that pond. It has really cleared up as most trees around it have been removed and more sun and less debris in the pond.
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