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I have a driveway that I recently had built. It is 400 feet long and 15 foot wide with fairly steep ditches on both sides. The driveway goes up a hill. I have a Kubota Grand L 4330. What can I do to maintain the crown on the drivey so the water runs of the sides instead of down the middle. I have a box blade and a front end loader. Would these tools do it. I was also thinking about a blade. I am not sure how to make the slope. Any advise would be appreciated.
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Crowning can be done with a box or scraper blade. With a box blade, you would need to set the tilt with the adjustable lift rod, or with a hydraulic lift rod if you are lucky enough to have one. With a rear scaper blade, get one with tilt. You may find the tilt settings on the scraper blade are more severe than you want the crown. Here again, use the adjustable rod for the proper setting.
Box or scraper will depend on your soil conditions. For hard compacted gravely clay, you may need the rippers of a box blade to get enough penetration to cut the crown. Start at the outside edges of the drive and work your way towards the middle. Cut gradually, remembering that with each pass, the tractor will begin to follow the contour you are cutting. This is where the hydraulic lift rod really comes in handy, because you will want to be adjusting your tilt angle as you work towards the middle.
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Lakeman, by driving on it, but not driving on the middle it will naturally crown and if the material that it is made from is course enough the water will drain off to the sides. However if the contrator compacted it level, you could always rent a landscape rake, angle it to push the material to the middle from both sides, then make one pass in the middle with the rake straight.
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My drives are compacted pit run. I built crowns when I put down more pit run so I didn't have to cut them. Once built and compacted they don't maintain much different from a level drive.
If all tires of the tractor are on the same crown then a level box scraper also is at the angle of the crown. I tend to blend in the transition between the crowns and top of the drive by compacting the area either with the box or the loader bucket and sometimes both. To compact with the box I extend the top-link to max so the box rides on the back of its rear cutter. For the loader, I use a fairly flat bucket, lift most of the weight off the front and then drive in reverse using brake steering.
My drives are 14' and the box is 6' long. That means I can work the crowns with one box width a side and leave 2' across the top, which seems to work well. If I had to work with one set of tires on top of the crown I'd have to re-adjust the 3ph level. My 3ph has a crank leveler so it's not much trouble.
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Since I'm real new to the landscape rake I don't know how it would perform on gravel that has become compacted, but it sure worked slick on newly spread crushed rock by swathing it to the center of the drive then setting the angle back to 90% then spreding the swath by going stradle of it. I can see how a top and tilt would be a neat addition to the rake. I've never priced one, but I think they would cost more than the rake, (Land Pride 1584). Frank.
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