I live on a private dead end road with about 15 other property owners.
We have one property owner who has put up 'Posted' signs along the road-----Some far from his property ----in front of other peoples vacant properties near the edge of the road.
This fellow is a PITB----He locks his gate when going to town---only one I know that does that.
Question----Can he leagally put up signs along the road other than in front of his property?
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Think you will find this can vary depending on who owns the road and NC and maybe even your county laws. Not a lawyer but don't know how a person can give or take authority of who enters another persons property. Have you talked with the owner of the vacant property to find out if they are aware of the signs or not? Understand he is not the nicest person but could it help prevent problems of people being where they have no business?
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Hi Skip,
As a Phoenix landscape design company, I can understand the irritation of having somebody post ugly signs in your neighborhood. And as a human, I can understand the annoyance of inconsiderate neighbors Overall, I'm inclined to agree with K on this one. The legality depends on your jurisdiction (here in AZ, you couldn't do that in most places). And also, it may be that he has permission from the vacant lot owners, or is trying to act in their best interest.
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Sorry---kinda lost track of this--
First KT ----no one round here { locals ) pay any mind to posted signs/Gates--either private or Gov.. I have been told ( by local friends ) that posted/no trespasing signs need to be placed 50' apart to be leagaly afective.
AZ_Rainfall ----No he does not have permission from property owners. And he is not tryin to act in others interests-----just his own---he not want any locals up here.
Let me add that my friend down below took down 2 of that fellows signs near (but not on) his property.
Also..( that fellow...who only comes here twice a year---two weeks each )..long time ago he put up a gate at the start of the road----never consulted any one ( well one ). He told me he talked with every one bout it & they wanted it. I could not find any that he consulted with.
The fellows gate was removed shortly afterward by a property owner. Yup--he be from Tennesse----probably had a few beers removing the gate.
~rant over~
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Skip what was the outcome to adjusting your track?
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KT---Have not had a chance to run a test to see how long the tract stays ----before looseing proper tension. But I don't think it is long before it looses tention---Have asked around--as I think it is a seal---but as yet I have no answer as to where that seal is & if I could replace it my self.
THANKS for asking
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Skip, please don't confuse me and EW. It will hurt my pride and his reputation.
As to the signs there is always someone who is different in any area. It is amazing how all the others have the same impression of them. The funny thing or maybe the violent thing is when two who think they are called of God to decide who can do what cross paths.
I have been told the no trespassing signs can give additional authority or legal violation if anything does happen and a person is arrested. Don't now remember the full story but you may wish to talk with your wildlife people if trying to keep people out especially if game is part of the issue. Here they can enter the land for trespassing with out any notice being given for trespassing while the normal law officer can not.
But you sure that guy is from Tennessee? Here sounds like from mainly NY or NJ and talking the big cities. They move here and first thing they do is tell everybody here how we are doing it wrong. (lead to the bumper sticker that goes: we don't care how you did it up north. That was the nice one. Now that is not true of 98.5% of those who move here for most of them don't like the 1.5% who tell us how they did it up north. They seem to forget the reasons they moved: property taxes more per month than her for a year and such. Ok now my rant is over also.
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Sorry bout the mix up KT & EW. I not allways see what my eyes see & my mind has a slow leak too. ¿¿
Now then---guess I did not post clearly before ---the fellow that put up those signs & the gate is a jerk from Florida---complains bout everything. Last one was complaining bout the forest service harvesting trees around here ( those went to good use )---but yet he went up on his property & bulldozed a big bunch of trees off the side of the mountain so he could have a view. Those tree are still laying on the ground---wasted.
The fellow that took down the gate is a country boy from Tennesse.
Sorry for the mix up.
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