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ScooterMagee - status on your project
Scooter, how is your retaining wall progressing? Do you have any pictures?
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ScooterMagee - status on your project
Scooter, do you have an update?
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ScooterMagee - status on your project
I’m happy to report that, the project was successfully completed back in May. If I can remember, I’ll snap a couple of pics tonight, and post them tomorrow. Thanks, for the interest.
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ScooterMagee - status on your project
The freshly uploaded Picture #5 is the finished product. Picture #6 is the start of my vineyard - year 1.
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ScooterMagee - status on your project
Scooter, nice job on the wall! Grass is all grown in already and every thing looks great. Do you plan on making wine?
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ScooterMagee - status on your project
Yes. I brew a batch of beer every 3-months or so, and thought I would give wine a go. I put in (12) plants in April, (2) didn't make it from the start, and the pocket gophers took (2) during the year. So I'm left with (8) plants. Next year, I plan on replacing the (4) and adding (6) more. And, with a bit of luck, I'll have enough to bottle a case in a couple of years.
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ScooterMagee - status on your project
Good luck! I have brewed beer and wine years ago but only from kits. I made a grain and kit combination once that was probably the best beer I made. Both the beer and wine was usually drinkable but not great. I have bottles of home brew with jalapeno peppers stored in the basement. People seemed to like that.
My daughter and her boyfriend took some of my beer and wine back to college to try it out. I told them to have a few store bought beers before they drink this stuff
I have a few grape plants growing in topsoil that I may transplant in the spring. I have no plans to make wine but the wife keeps bringing plants home when shopping. I am running out of room to plant!
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