grass clippers removal
I had an epiphany over the weekend while helping a neighbour with just this very problem. In his case the only part of the lawn that needs anything more than a set of mulching blades is over the septic tank and under a few deciduous trees he has during the fall to collect the leaves.
We jury rigged a 2"x4" that went between the two front caster wheel axles and stuck out to the right (discharge) side only. All along the length of this 2"x4" that stuck out to the side we screwed a small cheap poly tarp (5'x8') along the short side and turned up the end along a short vertical piece of wood.
As he cut the grass the clippings blew out onto the tarp which trailed alongside him. When the tarp got loaded down he just stopped and scooped the clippings into a box trailer behind another machine.
I may have come up with a whole new "Murphy Pipe" for summer use!!
I'll start working on the metal version shortly.
Best of luck.
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grass clippers removal
This interesting Murf. I don't remember where but recently saw a similar setup for square hay bales to gether them in a group for squeeze forks to pick them up.
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grass clippers removal
Kenny, the grass grows faster & greener over the septic bed, but not enough to warrant baling it.......... yet.
Best of luck.
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grass clippers removal
I hear you, must not be eating enough pork!
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grass clippers removal
We have walnuts that need picked up but they usually aren't any good so I got the Gator blades on again this fall and go walnut smackin with the mower. With the plastic grass chute tipped up they go quite a ways.
I didn't know that Murf was in the "Geezer" category yet. The young guys like fast cars, us old guys are content with lawn mowers.
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grass clippers removal
Frank, I must be middle-aged then......
I have fast lawn mowers!!
Best of luck.
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grass clippers removal
If you do any mowing with a zero turn and a second cutting is required, make the second cut perpendicular to the first. Every time I get one of the "my mower broke 3 weeks ago, how much to cut..." calls it's what I do. People are amazed I can get the lawn to look like a ball field and no bagger. My lazer has a bagger but I don't like to use it. If I need something for leaves or if I do a dethatching I break out the Trac Vac. Twin 35 gallon cans and a 5 horse motor pulls just about ecerything out of the lawn. They hav all different kinds of sizes from single can up to dump trailer style units. Can be found on ebay or craigslist all the time.
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grass clippers removal
I find it funny I use a ZTR and my brother in laws both use tractor style JDs. Paying carefull attention to my cutting (slow down when pushing leaves) have been pleased with how little any sign of the leaves is being left. It seems they are having more problems than I am with their mower and while tpying this remember one used our MIL rider this past Saturday and he ended up raking leaves left but boy does its deck ride on the grass so it pushes leaves totally. That probably is the same issue with either the design of their JD or how low they like to cut. Both are of the school the lower the better.
Frank, ever have squirrels out there trying to catch those walnuts?
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grass clippers removal
I do the diagonal baseball field pattern with the regular Deere 435 rider. I make sure that I always go the same direction following the same swath as the second time before. I have people ask me "How do you do that?", anyway it brings a lot of compliments.
I've never had a squirle,(or how ever you spell it) catch one comming out of the mower yet. We do have plenty of squirles around the house in town, we're only a block from the grain elevator.
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grass clippers removal
Ny typo, 345 not 435 Deere.
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