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 10-23-2011, 00:54 Post: 180985

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Polesaws cut horizontal branches; you need a chainsaw. You COULD be up a ladder with a saw; lumberjacks sometimes "top" a tree that they're on. But you never know exactly what a falling tree will do.

I would tie two good ropes say 20' up. If you can't tie them to something, the lower helper holds one in the direction of the fall, the upper helper holds the other opposite. You chainsaw on a ladder say 10' up, both ropes taught. Just before it's ready to go, you come down, the upper guy slackens off, and the lower guy pulls to start the fall and runs. If he uses a pulley, he'd be safe even if he trips.

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 10-23-2011, 10:22 Post: 180987

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You are quite rite bout pole saws auebach----Don't know what I was thinking (or was I EVEN thinking at all). Oh ya--chain saws---I have 3.
As for a ladder---well the tree is dead---one 10' top has already fell out. So putting a ladder on it is not a good idea. However I think I can get my excavator rite next to it----it has a very strong canopy ( can't remember what that is called---maybe FOPS ? )---I have stood on it before--just for the heck of it.
For now I think I will leave it be as I don't think the whole tree will fall over & I came across some birch & maple the power co. cut down along the road.
Thanks for info. Wink yeah right

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 11-18-2011, 13:29 Post: 181257

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You can call it FOPS for Fall On Protection Structure. But you're looking for Roll Over PS, usually two strong but open bars to prevent an overturn from squishing you, whereas you need a solid roof.

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Discussion Boards > Active Subjects > Messages as Posted > Landscape Maintenance Forum

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