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Elm Tree Removal Minot North Dakota
So Joel you were the young'un here, right?
There may be more to the crane than speed, it might be looked at favorable for insurance or claim reasons as we took the most impressive precaution we could. Not saying that it true, just a thought.
We had a large walnut tree taken down leaning over my wife's grandparents house and they did the whole job with ropes and climbing the tree. Two of them looked like monkeys moving around it.
For myself, I like long cable and heavy tractor with an area to drop it. If it does not fit that then bring in the monkeys.
My oldest son in law about two years back used my 5 ton mini excavator to dig some pines out of his back yard. I asked him was he comfortable doing so and yes was his answer. When he dropped the third one on neighbors travel trailer he was happy for me to dig the rest. One thing in open area, another when it matters where it lands. He was also happy for the insurance coverage as it did total the travel trailer with doing very little visible damage to the metal, said it broke the frame.
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Elm Tree Removal Minot North Dakota
I don't know about being the young one around here. I just turned 54 on April 7th.
I know one thing for sure......long winters make for a very painful start to the Spring tree climbing season. The first week can be pretty hard on a guy.
I'm back in shape now. We've taken down about 20 trees since April 1st. I'm in the process of taking down 4 large Boxelders that are hanging over a guy's garage. It's a lot of work. A crane would be handy....but not necessary.
I just finished a tree row between two houses. The trees that we removed had to be taken down in sections, from the top down, as there wasn't enough room to drop them between the houses. 8 trees were removed in this fashion. Climb to the top, then start dropping small sections or limbs, until the tree is short enough to drop the remainder of it. Climbing 8 trees in one afternoon can cause an old man to walk rather funny for a few days. .
Take care, my friend.
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Elm Tree Removal Minot North Dakota
Youngen! Why when I was that young could climb two trees jumping back and forth between them. Wait maybe that was the monkeys tossing me between them. Oh well about same just little difference there.
It has been years since I put on set of spurs and climbed a tree, some what enjoyed the little I have done. Would not want to have to drop in sections as you talked about. Got good at tossing a light weight and strong string over a major limb and then pulling up usually a cable to wrap around the tree for pull from say 20 feet to even 30 feet height. Only had one that did not go great and that one proved the need for a heavier tow vehicle than a compact pickup with 2 wheel drive! Tree dragged it like wet doll baby.
Not sure if the 8 years difference is the more major issue or the 80 pounds as to climbing a tree. Be safe and send more pictures. kt
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