Big magnets for picking up nails
Has anyone used one of those big magnets that are dragged around to pick up nails and screws following construction? If so, how do they work?
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Big magnets for picking up nails
We used them on the flight line when I was in the Army to pick up FOD but that was asphalt and concrete. They work fairly good in grass but it needs to be really short to be effective. Also needs to be moved over the ground as close as it possible to be effective as well. When you are done with it, the magnet will become a big paper weight as it will probably not get used again, unless you like to find surprises in the lake and ocean/river.
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Big magnets for picking up nails
When we built our house we burned off all the wood scraps, leaving a pile of ashes and small pieces of charred wood about 10 feet in diameter. I spent a couple of hours going through it with a rake and pulled out about 5 lbs of screws and nails, but it would take me days to go through the whole area and even then I would probably miss a lot. I was hoping to find a rental place where I could rent one of those magnets for this one time use.
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Big magnets for picking up nails
If your area in not any bigger that that, Lowe's and HomeDepot has a 4-5 inch magnet on a long handle. It works pretty well. The kids and I have used a couple of them quite a bit.
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Big magnets for picking up nails
You can always take the magnet to work when you are done with it and set it on somebody's computer that you really owe one to. ;o) Just kiddin'!
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Big magnets for picking up nails
i have one that's used to hold tools.it's about 15 inches long.we put it in a gunny sack and pull it around to pickup nails and screws.the material sticks to the bag instead of the magnet.put the bag over bucket,pull out the magnet and all falls off the bag.good luck
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Big magnets for picking up nails
The 4 inch magnet on the stick would work fairly well for what you discribe. I have one and paid the kids a 1/2 cent per nail as they cleaned up after construction and demolision.
I made them count and calculate.
They retrieved most of the nails around the whole building site. Some could be reused so I figured I was money ahead.
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