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Spring Lawn Project
Denwood, that's why I was heavily into adding manure as it has nutrients and will decompose and add to the soil over time. I may not be able to get enough so I was looking to blend with some top soil. I need to go talk to that farmer about the manure. He's close by so if we can come to terms, it we be a huge help to me.
But first, to get rid of that snake in the house...
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Spring Lawn Project
I think you should ask youself what you really want.
Sounds like you want a nice lawn? Right? I have played the game that has been mentioned adding subtracting piecing in etc. Life is too short! If you can afford it, I vote for stripping that clay crap out, get back down to the natural base that was there before. Now strip that out and make a nice pile. Lay the clay back down and roll and pack and level. Now go back to your top soil (which will be mixed a bit with the clay anyway you look at it) Lay that back down and level. Then if you want to haul in the new top soil you may need go for it. I have the exact same problem at my second home. My ground level is too high for the grade of my house. (after I added top soil) My plan is to remove the new top soil and pile it. I am planning to build on to this house this year so I will start fresh and this time do it myself the way I would want my yard.
Hey I dont envy you, it is alot of work even on a machine. I vote for you to get it done in one year and enjoy it's looks the rest of your summers there?
Just my opinion (which ain't worth alot)
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Spring Lawn Project
Brokenarrow, my problem is I don't know how deep the good soil is burried. There is also a lot of trees planted there now that I don't want to risk damaging their root systems. I can carefully work my way around the trees, but a wholesale soil removal is not much of an option. Besides, if I go my route, I get a tiller for the tractor. If I don't, then I am stuck using the equipment I already own. I do want a tiller pretty bad.
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