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Poison Ivy
Does anyone know of a non-chemical way to get rid of poison ivy? I've got a couple of patches in my yard that I would like to kill it w/o killing my yard with Round Up. In the past, I've tried '2-4-d' from the local coop w/ marginal success. I would prefer to not use chemcials, but don't think that its possible.
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Poison Ivy
There is only one thing you can do - Pull It! No chemical that says it is for poison ivy is selective - they are all broad leaf herbicides that will kill everything. I pull about 3-5 garbage cans full every 3 years and it is the only thing that keeps it under control. Fortunately, I am not highly allergic to it but I do get it. Here's what I do - on a late spring day after a rain I will plan on doing it all in one session (I can't bring myself to re-starting once I stop). Dress up in old clothes that can be thrown away. Make sure you have long sleeves (I know of someone who didn't bother with this little detail and paid dearly!!!) and good (but old and not holey) work gloves. Wrap duct tape around the gauntlet of the glove and your sleeves - this area around the wrist is where you will be most exposed. Use a head band so that you will not be tempted to touch your face when you sweat and KEEP TELLING YOURSELF HANDS DOWN!! When you pull, try to lift up the root system and tear it along the ground so that you get out as much as you can. Good luck and happy pullilng. Please remember not to burn the stuff - inhalation of the smoke can kill someone, especially if they are highly allergic they don't even have to be near it.
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Poison Ivy
Along with what has been said, and assuming its summertime, here's another tip.
If you have a swimming pool, taking a dip after this chore helps immensely. I guess the chlorine kills the stuff. I discovered this trick when my boss (in highschool) had a pool installed, and he let us use it after work to cool off. Normally I accepted the fact that I would have Poison rash in at least one or two parts of my body all summer long...no matter how cautious I was. After using the pool everyday.. the rashes disappeared and no new ones appeared. But if I forgot to do this or didn't take the time. I paid..big time!!
As far as killing the stuff. Try using Vinegar..seriously, it works well as a weedkiller on our brick sidwalks, so it might work on poison as well. And besides, my grandmother used to regard the stuff as a do it all household chemical. From stain removal to.........
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Poison Ivy
Rod, have you considered a small Nuclear Device???
Good luck.
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Poison Ivy
Dow makes a product called Confront. Go to dowagro.com and go into turf and check it out. It DOES work, but is not cheap. About a $100-115 a gallon, but it goes a long way, it also works on 35 or so varieties of broad leaf weeds, so you can spray your whole yard with it.This will eliminate it root and all,as one of the other posts says that he does it every 3 years, I on the otherhand would only want to do it once.I have put down alot of this product with good results(that is on the woody type weeds,it is hard to beat a 2,4,d based product on broad leaf weeds, Confront has no 2,4,d)Not to mention I'm lazy. Good luck.
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Poison Ivy
For those of you that get poison ivy rash, my wife found a product that is great. It is called Oak-N-Ivy Brand tecnu Outdoor Skin Cleanser. When growing up on the farm I would get into poison ivy every year. I would get the rash that would then turn into blisters and then I would have to make a trip to the Doctor. After getting married and moving away from the farm I did my best for the last 25 years to avoid poison Ivy.
Well last fall after buying some acreage I could no longer avoid it. I have worked several days clearing brush that was filled with poison ivy. After each days work was done I have washed with the tecnu cleanser. I have only once gotten more than a very slight rash & that was because I continued to were the same belt that I wore while clearing. Even after the major rash broke out & turned into blisters I again washed washed with the cleanser and in 2 days the rash had dried up. Chris
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Poison Ivy
i've use a broad leaf herbicide for many years on my sod fields called trimec.it's a 2-4-d mcpp mix.it does a good job on poison ivy and poision oak.as far as the clorine theroy goes your right.an old country doctor told me years ago to dab clorox on it to dry it up.it worked,but boy did it burn.good luck.
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Poison Ivy
Here in California we have Poison Oak. I've got to say, Just use the Round Up. Pick a day when the winds not blowing, keep the pressure down and be selective and you should be able nuke most of the noxious weed without destroying too much else. This way you'll get the roots, something you're not sure to do by pulling. If you wind up with a rash, use cool water and Boraxo powder to control the itchings. Cleans the oil, and mildly scatchs. Good luck.
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Poison Ivy
I agree with the previous post. Pulling is a nasty job and probably a waste of time since its very unlikely you will get all of the root. Use Round-Up herbicide on a calm day. You can paint several of the leaves with the chemical using a brush or sponge without getting anything on the grass or any other plant. Round-up does not affect the soil or kill anything unless it makes contact with a green growing leaf. We use this stuff in our forestry nusery to selectively kill weeds in tree seedling pots. It never affects the trees unless you accidently paint them too. For best kill, coat the young new growth on the plant. Also, I don't see why you couldn't use 2-4-d since your main concern is protecting the grass. 2-4-d will not affect grass, only broadleaf plants. You can use 2-4-d by applying to leaves or by cutting the stem and applying to the wound.
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Poison Ivy
Probably not a realistic solution, but borrow a herd of goats. Somebody who kept goats in Oregon told me that goats love to browse on it. They'll clear out a bush lot in no time.
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