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 05-26-2005, 13:28 Post: 111570

Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Lewiston, MN
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
Posts: 18
 heating the shop-radiant floor vs infrared above

Have you considered using corn burners? I have an insulated pole shed (160x60) that I heat using 2 corn burners. I put 3 bushels of corn in each and they heat for 2 days-the building stays at around 60 degrees. These units, on high, will kick out 170,000 BTU each. So, if I need to warm up the building quick - I just turn them up. Heats up real quick.

Best thing about it is that when my fuel supply (dried corn) is getting low - I just call up the local feed mill. They deliver a load for $10 ... and corn is under $2/bushel.

The units which I use are Golden Grain out of Colorado. This is the 4 year that I have had them - no problems...

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 05-29-2005, 13:02 Post: 111687

Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Wisconsin
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
Posts: 1288
 heating the shop-radiant floor vs infrared above

I have an on demand electric water heater in my place up north. It is the total cats behind!!! I love it. Only takes up about 14" by 3" and works incredible. We love it when we get there at 11pm on a Fri. night and all five of us want to take a shower. Nothing to drain in the winter before leaving (I heat it year round in the house so it would not matter anyway). DOWN side to what you would want it for though.
On the same lines of what Ann said. When it is running (or ON) you get dizzy watching the electric meter run!!! Put it this way, it needs to be on a 70amp breaker!!!! When all three of the elements are turned on ( what ever your demand amount for hot water determines the number of elements that turn on) that meter in cookin!!!
I would think if you plan to use your garage a few times a year it may be ok but would look elsewhere if your use will be higher. No, I take that back, I would look elsewhere anyway for a garage heater. The infloor heat is a awesome system just I would not want the electric bill with an on demand unit installed.
My 02. anyway

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