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 03-02-2009, 17:57 Post: 160744

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 Need more height in pole barn

Well I screwed up!
I had A 24'x 30' Pole Barn built for my Pop up.
Other than it's a little tight getting through the 10' door it works well.
Know the wife and I are looking down the road, 3-4 years to upgrade to a hybrid camper or a Travel trailer camper.
From the research I've been doing most of these campers are above 10' with the A/C!
I have about 4" of stone on the floor now. That sets the height at 10'. (except for the slide rail cover?)
I have not yet poured concrete so I'm trying to decide do I dig deeper?
Raise the roof?
Any thoughts would be helpful.

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 03-02-2009, 20:20 Post: 160745

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 Need more height in pole barn

Can you go deeper without affecting drainage outside? If yes then I don't an issue other than removing some of the concrete around the posts--and extending the overhead door, and lowering the mandoor.

I filled a garage floor in a typical suburban home's garage after the owner died. He had a milk truck route and would park his too-tall truck in the low-opening garage. What he did was cut two paths or lanes for the tires deep enough in the existing floor about 6".

If you do go upward, I would add at the top as to not reduce the structural integrity gained at the bottom. And you'll have a lot less weight to raise. You could butt- joint the tops of the posts with wood then use 1/4" plates sandwiching the wood. Use 1/2" x 3 or 4" lag bolts in 9/16" holes in the plates. Predrill the holes in the wood to prevent splitting. Use an elctrci or air impact to install the bolts. I did something like this when I conserved a barn built by Henry Ford in 1873, except I used 1/2" thick plates by the width of the timber which varied from 8-11". To raise the barn roof simply use a series of 5-ton or larger bottle jacks on the floor at the base of each post with a 4x4 timber atop each jack. Do one side at a time.

Be sure you're in compliance with local building height codes before you start.

You might want to go up 2' and that way gainn a ribbon one the eave sides to install clear plastic panels for light. The front and backs may take some creativity to ensure it looks right as far as the siding goes--and not like what you actually did. Smile

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 03-03-2009, 08:40 Post: 160748

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 Need more height in pole barn

I've did it both ways. I dug out about 10-12 8inches in a machine shed once but drainage wasn't an issue, this is by far the simpilest. Is you problem door in the end or the side of the building? I just raised the door header in the end of a building once to gain clearence but I had plenty of clearence inside, this might not be your case.

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