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Barn Roof leaks Contractor warranty concerns
First let me say Hello! i have a pole barn that went up last year and was profesionally built...?, over the course of the winter they have had to come and fix roof leaks 4 times, i can see where they missed the purlins while attaching the metal roofing, maybe a dozen angled screws showing in various places throughout the 36 by 60 barn. the contract says they will to the job right and fix whats wrong. i also had another company install continious gutters on the barn and this last time out the builder leaned his ladder against them and they don't look so pretty now...what would you do? how would you handle this situation...is it attorney time.
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Barn Roof leaks Contractor warranty concerns
Has to be big big bucks for an attorney unless its a relative pro bono.
Did the original contract have an arbitration clause?
Very hard to get satisfaction when you are not holding back any money.
I think you have to smile and look for the contractor to do the right thing and keep pushing as pleasant as you can be.
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Barn Roof leaks Contractor warranty concerns
I have to agree with greyhorse, hiring a lawyer is a big buck deal. The legal expenses will mount up fast and that's not guaranteeing you will win the case.
I can't defend the contractor for missing the nailers. If the nailers were 2 X 4's on edge it is easy to miss unless you snap a chalk line.
Is all the roof leakage coming from screw holes from missed screws? My experience with metal roofs is not good. Of five pole type sheds built for me by contractors or myself over a 35 - 40 year period every one of them leaked. It was hard to define where they leaked, sometimes it was frost melting off the underside of the metal when the sun warmed it up. Other times they would leak during a rain and follow the underside of the steel down a ways before it dripped or ran off. I finally gave up on steel roofs so the last two sheds I built had a traditional shingle roof, they never leaked.
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Barn Roof leaks Contractor warranty concerns
I had the same problem with my Lester Bldg. When the Lester Bldg Dealer/Builder built mine, before leaving town advised me that if he had to come back for repairs it would be a $500 minimum. Weeks after he left town and we had our first rain I found that I had 25 leaks in my roof, puddles all over inside and I wasn't going to pay him to come back and fix his screw ups, so I fixed them myself and he installed the roof screws missing the purlins. Just weeks ago I paid an Amish crew to come in and fix his other screw ups, like 8 Purlins not nailed at all, openings in my roof valleys rain & wind coming in, soffit only had one staple holding it on, bird blocks not installed, ones installed not nailed and it goes on and on. I tried to get Lester Bldgs to fix these problems, but Lester Upper Management said they don't feel responsible for their Lester Dealer/Builders actions, even though they were the ones that provided this Lester Dealer/Builder to me saying he did "Good Work". Lester shorted me on roof dripstop, on exterior plywood and engineered the exterior of my building incorrectly, so I don't recommend Lester Buildings.
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Barn Roof leaks Contractor warranty concerns
This varies by state but small claims court you don't need attorney for. Also call your county licensing department and ask them if they can help and your state agencies and ask the same. Also don't miss facebook, BBB and even letters to the editors of papers.Depending on the job you may have a small town paper or news station that will report on the company especially if you can find another or two who have the same type of experience.
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Barn Roof leaks Contractor warranty concerns
My contractor put plywood over the purlins and felt down before the steel roofing. He said it would cut down on the noise during rainstorms, eliminate dripping on your head from condensation during several periods of the year and also eliminate having a missed/loose screw from missing the purlins. Also if you heat the building or a portion of it, it will act as an insulator.
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Barn Roof leaks Contractor warranty concerns
I did not mention this in simple English but check and see what kind of warranty there is by law in your state. In mine on houses it is several years. No idea on other type of buildings. This is NOT a well known law here and one most contractors will not talk about. kt
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