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 09-23-2003, 08:20 Post: 64629

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 Oak Vs Pine BandB

For a smallish 24X30 open barn, what's the thought on pine B&B Vs. oak B&B. Obviously the cost is higher for oak. But what's your opinion of the differences and is it worth it to go oak?

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 09-23-2003, 08:38 Post: 64631

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 Oak Vs Pine BandB

I think after you recover from the sticker shock of oak, you may want to go with the pine. Oak is much strong but also much heavier and has a tendency (in my experience)to warp with much more strength in the warping than the pine. I tried using oak to replace some mahogany in my Boston Whaler from a local saw mill. As the wood dried it really changed shape inspite of my best efforts to keep it lin seed oiled and flat. This may not be an issue in your case. Unless you can get a super deal on oak I would use what is readily and economically available. If it is painted well and the soil around it properly treated for termites; it should last a long time.

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 09-23-2003, 17:32 Post: 64667

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 Oak Vs Pine BandB

I'm not sure what all types of pine you have. But I do know ya-all have lots of oak. So maybe it would work for you.

We have lots of hemlock the prefered siding material for anyone who wants to use board and bat. The big winerys just west of us use that. Another one I like alot because of the redhue is Larch.

The beauty of the 2 I mentioned is you put them on and forget them. At my house I keep it as natural as possible.

I think (I haven't bought any in a few months) hemlock is around $.45 BF and Larch is a little more.

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 09-23-2003, 20:25 Post: 64679

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 Oak Vs Pine BandB

Most of the B&B I have seen are cedar or cypress. I would think there would be a rough cut mini-mill in your area with cedar? Green oak will last better than the pine, but can be tough to nail and will not last as long as the cedar in the weather.

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