MiracleTruss buildings
I have a friend that put up a miracle truss and he loves it. A large tree fell on it and he only had to replace some sheet metal. The frame held. I looked into them when I wanted a building, but backed out because of price only. I had a tight budget and wanted all the size I could get for the money. I really think they would have been a better company to deal with, but the cost difference was $5-6000 if I remember correctly, about 25-30% more.
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MiracleTruss buildings
I got a 45x75x14 all steel I-beam building with 4/12 pitch, poly carb skylights, two framed openings 12x12 and 14x12, a 4' personel door with lock and hardware, gutters and down spouts, 2 operating ridge vents delivered for around 18-19k. There were a couple of minor things missing and a couple of beam holes in the wrong spot, but not too much. Before I could get them to send me the missing door trim, they were out of business, but the building is great.
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MiracleTruss buildings
"Justin Wheeler"--- if that's your real name--it's obvious that you're a fraud. Your posts (there are two in one day about Miracle Truss). Obviously you work for MT. You can't even spell "poll barn", "then" instead of "than", can't use proper grammar! What a dumba---! You might get away with it on other boards but not here. Keep on going.
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MiracleTruss buildings
Well, well, well. Justin Wheeler, The Net is a wonderful AND instant source and investigative tool for information. Speaking of "tools" just as I thought: Justin Wheeler IS a salesman for Miracle Truss. He's been trolling the Web for customers making postings like these.
And now his deceptive plan to increase sales backfired. He forgot or was too dumb to realize that although he can delete or even edit his postings here, he can't delete or edit postings he didn't put up---like mine. So when someone does a search for MIRACLE TRUSS they will see this too! Puuuurfect!
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MiracleTruss buildings
Don't it make your head just go round in circles!
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MiracleTruss buildings
W-h-oo-a-h! I think I'm gonna hurl!
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MiracleTruss buildings
Shoot... I was kinda hoping to hear more about miracle truss structures whether good or bad. Oh well
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MiracleTruss buildings
AgentOrange (AO),
I am considering ordering a miracle truss barn and wondering how your building experience went. I am looking at a similar size and eave and was wondering how service was, constuction went, etc.
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MiracleTruss buildings
Hi. This is Bob ...4 years after my last post. I bought and built a 36 x 60 x 12H Miracle Truss steel bldg. in Jan 2005. It's a great building -- maintenance free. I would not recommend wood -- my two wood buildings have been attacked by termites. No problem with steel. See my post from 4 years back. Write me if I can help answer more questions. bobmac@NETTALLY.COM
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MiracleTruss buildings
Do you happen to still have your plans for your Miracle Truss Building? I recently purchased one that has never been erected and I'm trying to locate a set of plans.
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