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airless paint sprayers
I have several farm buildings and grain bins that need painting this summer. I have the labor available to power wash them and operate the paint gun. A rental center I checked with yesterday charges $100.00 per day or $700.00 per week to rent a airless gun. With several buldings and bins to paint the wind will never be right to paint more than a couple at a time. I've rented things before, trenchers, etc. and it seemed there was allways something wrong with the equipment, engines would'nt start, etc.. I've decided to just buy my own sprayer, so where do I go for that sort of thing, who makes a good machine, how much should it cost, etc.. Thanks in advance,Frank.
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airless paint sprayers
hardwood, When I built my present house I bought a Wagner 1/2 HP airless. If memory serves it was less than $300 at the home center (going on 4 years ago). It served me well and was large enough to pull paint out of a 5 gallon pail. I think I sprayed over 20 gallons for this project (all interior). I did have some problems with the nozzle plugging frequently with the primer I was using (Sheetrock brand), but when I sprayed a higher quality color paint I had no problems whatsoever. Comparing the cost of rental, this sounds like a good investment.
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airless paint sprayers
I can’t recommend a particular sprayer but I've seen several units listed between Home Depot, Lowes and Northern Tool web sites. They range from a 1/2 HP Wagner for about $200 to what seem to be professional style units for $400 to $500. For those prices, it certainly would not pay to rent for many days.
If you haven’t used those sites, just add “dot”com to their names (no caps or spaces) and then do a search for something like airless sprayers and look for their professional category. There may be specialty stores with a better assortment but this is a good way to get an idea of what is readily available at reasonable prices.
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airless paint sprayers
Hardwood, there is a BIG difference between the brands.
We have several airless sprayers, I know with hand-held units we have a Krebs (made in Switzerland of all places) that works great, and most importantly, has VERY little vibration. I tried a brother-in-laws Wagner and my hand went numb after about 10 minutes, I can use mine for over an hour (the biggest job I did) without that happening.
With the paint pot & pump style look for one that comes apart without tools (or very few of them) and if possible with Stainless parts as opposed to Nylon. It makes cleaning a whole lot easier and they last longer.
Best of luck.
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airless paint sprayers
Murf is right about the Wagner. I bought one of those and was unhappy with the vibration, the clogging, the sloppy tip that dripped everywhere, the difficulty in cleaning it, and the noisy operation. I'd rather rent a good one than use the wagner. I understand Wagner makes some commercial units and they are probably better.
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airless paint sprayers
Murf and Ken, You guys must be talking about the type that has a little paint pot right on the gun. My Wagner has a 20 ft high pressure hose. I don't remember any vibration.
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airless paint sprayers
Mine has a hose that pulls paint from a paint can/bucket. They may have several models, not sure about that
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airless paint sprayers
The website below has the type I'm talking about. Reconditioned for $200.
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airless paint sprayers
I'm sure that's a different model than the one I have, and probably a lot better quality. My buzz-gun was somewhere around $100-150 new.
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airless paint sprayers
I agree with Ken. Ours is a sort of combination of the two types. Sort of a big brother to the completely self-contained type.
Ours has a hose that clips to the paint can, then a hose and electrical cord leads to the sprayer which is hand-held and the main pump is in your hand.
I have heard that the type shown in the link above are good units, but take considerably longer to setup, and clean up. Ours just takes a second to clean, there is a second small tube that goes in place of the dirty pickup tube. If you are spraying latex you just take the paint pickup tube off and drain it as best as gravity will back into the paint can then put on the 'cleanup pickup' tube and drop into a container of clean water, then snap the paint pickup tube into the nozzle and into a second container, squeeze the trigger and everything self-flushes, when nothing but clean water comes out run the pump for a second without water and then just pack it away till next time.
Best of luck.
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