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 08-09-2010, 18:02 Post: 172955

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 Hand held thermometers

I've saw people use the hand held thermometers to check the temperature of a gear box, radiator hose, etc. from a distance away.
Anybody know anything about them, are they accurate, cost a lot etc.???

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 08-09-2010, 22:29 Post: 172965

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 Hand held thermometers

Very accurate, Frank, instantaneous, and way cheaper than originally. They detect infrared radiation, the same as many motion detectors. Most have a built-in laser for accurate aiming and are calibrated for a digital readout in degrees F or C. They can give static or continuous readouts.

Not just for mechanics. Insulation people aim them at walls to detect heat loss. One dermatologist uses his to detect skin inflammation.

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 08-09-2010, 22:34 Post: 172966

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 Hand held thermometers

I've got a Raytek MT-6 and like it a lot. It's plus or minus 1.5 degree accuracy. Mine was free, received as a gift, but they cost around $50 or less.

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 08-10-2010, 08:21 Post: 172975

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 Hand held thermometers

Thanks guys, I'll check Grainger, they likely have them.

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 08-10-2010, 09:39 Post: 172977

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 Hand held thermometers

I purchased a unit from Grainger, the brand is Westward. Have had it for several years, and works great. Don't bother with the Harbor Freight model. One of the other businesses in our complex purchased one and it is way off in its readings.

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 08-10-2010, 09:48 Post: 172978

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 Hand held thermometers

Yooper; Thanks for the info.
I got weaned off Garbage Freight a while back with some "Heavy Duty" drill bits that just kinda melted soon as you drilled anything other than styrofoam.
Grainger shows a Raytec MT-4 @ 113.00 A temp range 0-750F, but at pretty close range, like an inch or so.
The price range jumps form 113. to 25-2800. from there but with ranges in the thousands and distances of a couple feet or so.

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 08-10-2010, 10:17 Post: 172980

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 Hand held thermometers

Frank, you nailed the critical part of an infrared thermometer right on the head.

The difference between a cheapie and a decent one is not so much the accuracy, they're all pretty good nowadays, but the distance at which you can accurately measure, that's the important one.

I think you will find the spec. you're looking at on the Grainger site is not the distance, but the diameter at a certain distance. In the case of the MT4 you are looking at it is given as 1" at 8", so it will give you a measurement of an area 1" round at 8" away. Problem isn't that 8", but if you can't get closer than say 3', then the area would be a 3" circle it's measuring. If your talking about an engine block, that's not going to make a big difference, but if you want to check a single bearing on a driveshaft that might not cut it.

Best of luck.

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 08-10-2010, 10:41 Post: 172981

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 Hand held thermometers

I've saw combine service guys/girls use them to check a suspect bearing, and auto service guys/girls check a top radiator hose etc.
What got me to thinking about one was just the other day when we drove in the garage after a couple humdred mile trip at 95 in the shade. I felt the tires, not as warm as I would have thought. Ok, strictly for curiosity reasons, just how warm were the tires, I never had to take my hand off them type warm. I couldn't think of a common thermometer that I had that would be handy enough to get a reading off a tire, so maybe one of the hand helds.

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 08-10-2010, 16:48 Post: 173000

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 Hand held thermometers

We use them to check how well turf grass is doing, it's a really handy tool and super fast with excellent accuracy.

Ours are sort of 'middle of the road' units, about $1,000 a piece, but I also have a $10 unit that I use around the house & my own shop at home. I've checked it against the others, it's more than close enough for me.

I have a friend though in the insurance restoration industry that has a really nifty toy, errr, I mean tool. He has a hand-held thermal imaging camera, a FLiR unit basically.

It is so accurate he can point it at a wall and it will show wet areas from dry based on the difference in temperatures of the surfaces. They use it to check if there is still residual moisture that would develop into mould if left untreated.

Best of luck.

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 08-10-2010, 19:16 Post: 173007

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 Hand held thermometers

Where do you get a ten dollar one? I'm not a total cheapskate, but ten bucks beats one thirty anytime.

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