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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Murf: I didn't think they let you walk around in Canada with a pistol even in the remote North.I thought most of your gun rights had be taken away.
For the most part you're right, but we both travel a lot, and the restrictions don't apply to all, if you have the right (shiny metallic usually ) credentials you can still carry no problem.
I was warned about the jamming possibility when I purchased it, but was also told that quality rounds and keeping it clean would virtually eliminate the problem. Since neither one of those items are issues with me I've never had a problem with it. I've got 2 422's, the first one I bought has a laser sight on it, and probably has (without exaggeration) 10,000 rounds through it without a single jam yet.
I had one fella at the gun club tell her she might as well carry pepper spray as "that pea shooter". She put all 12 into a 6" circle at 50' almost as fast as she could squeeze the trigger then she turned to him and told him she didn't think pepper spray would be that accurate or effective from 50'. He didn't say word, he just walked away grinning.
Best of luck.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
I'm ah thinkin that several .22 rimfire holes would tend to remove any romatic inclinations a pervert might have.
I have been to parks where firearms are banned and I still carry Large calibers CONCEALED in the back country.
I agree with the more than one person thought and if going as a couple I would go armed with a minimum of my S&W 642 .38spl (as long as not in large predator country)in a jacket pocket and it would be in my grip at anytime a stranger approaches. And I WOULD NEVER PULL MY HAND OUT TO SHAKE HANDS! Even when hunting the 642 is usually in a very accessible pocket.
I carry semi autos hunting all the time .45 ACP for close in coyote work and AR15 or rifle for longer range. Both have fast follow up shoots.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
....short of not carrying a gun how can you stay safe when hiking on the trails?
Do any of you go hiking unarmed? I always have on the Applachian trail here in NJ, besides the recent rash of killings by weirdos, my biggest concern was bears.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Most of the time I go unarmed, while the majority of my hiking is on regular trails not far from my Condo. Black bears are know to be about 5 miles away from my location and have yet to see one. Likewise some cougars have been sighted about that distance away. Most of them are as scared of you as you are of them. Be careful of being in the area of their offs-spring, that gets their dander up. These are all in Northern lower Michigan. For bear, the minimum would be a .40 S&W/.45ACP or .45LC.
In da U.P. it is wild and remote and one could get really lost for a long, long time. In those cases, I take extra gear and the .454 Casull(that can handle anything in North America).
I read that NJ has a real problem with bear populations and the tree huggers that stopped the hunt. Another consideration is a flare pistol with mini 12 gauge shells shooting capsicum rounds (rock salt and mace). It is short range but was told it will take a grizz down, however, you need to run because when it gets back up it is really pissed. I have one of those and it must be about 10 years old now. Don't know if the ammo gets bad. Should try it on somebody!
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Strangely enough my problems have not when hiking, but flying!
I like to fly into remote lakes a few miles back off the beaten path just north of here, I can be on a lake which is a couple of days by canoe from the nearest road and be back home in time for lunch if nothing is biting.
Problem is, the guys growing dope up there, it's rampant because they're cracking down on the 'grow ops' and want to be just out past air patrols, nosy neighbours, and such.
One more than one occasion I spotted a camouflaged camp on shore only as I did my final 'low & over' before landing and hastily decided to look for a new spot.
Best of luck.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
I've done this ever since a friend of mine told a storyabout being stalked by a cougar after hiking to a remotemountain lake to do some fishing. .40
Ken, how did your friend know they were being stalked by a cougar? Was it that open in it's stalking? kt
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Ken, how did your friend know they were being stalked by a cougar? Was it that open in it's stalking? kt
The sound it made when it "meowed" sent a chill up his spine.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Do any of you go hiking unarmed?I always have on the Applachian trail here in NJ,besides the recent rash of killings by weirdos, my biggest concern was bears.
I expect a good, stout walking stick could do some damage up close.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
I at least always take a fixed blade ski knife I got from relatives in Sweden when I was a little kid. I think a heavy hardwood walking stick would also be beneficial.
I also always go with my chocolat lab, he is of course no real threat, but some people are less familiar with the chocolat variety and he is young, lean and alert.
We usually go as a family, and it is really remote where we go hiking, we have usually tried to avoid the more heavily traveled trails. May need to change that.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
You never want to show up to a gunfight with a knife. I understand New Jersey is somewhat of a police state, and it is mostly criminals that carry concealed weapons as they make it extremely diffucult for law abiding citizens to get a permit. I have heard you can get one if you are well connected.
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