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Protecting Yourself Hiking
gotta love that dog....
re the other, absolutely right on that one too, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
It goes to awareness and preparedness, IE combat mindset.....
You are so right. Years ago I worked in NYC , I had a female co worker who was mugged three times!
Why? Because when she walked around she acted like a friendly unsuspecting out of towner. A lamb among wolves.
I think in the GA case the girl let her guard down because he had a dog also and she let her dog loose to play with his. Bad assumption that someone who owns a dog is safe!
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
When my wife and I were clearing our lot we often ran to town to pick up items or just for food during lunch. I often sat on the pickup tailgate with our Golden Retreiver while she went in a store. It amazed me how many ladies would come over smiling and pet him and talk. Without the dog those same ladies would have thought danger, man sitting in parking lot waiting for ???
Hey EW, since it is slow time of year for you, get a cute dog, park in large store parking lot and sit on tailgate petting the dog. No doubt you will soon be looked at by many ladies as they wonder what the frozen, snow covered bump is. Do send pictures.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Just an interesting bit of information to add to this discussion.
The other night on the local news, there was a law enforcement officer on who was doing a public service announcement.
The Concealed Carry Weapons course is scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month, in the basement of the County Courthouse. Price is 25 dollars.
Original applicants must take first take a test. If the test is passed, they must then go through fingerprinting, background check, and a photo session. The 25 dollar fee includes only the testing process. The background check, photo, fingerprinting, etc....runs approximately 50 dollars extra.
For those who renew their CCW permits, only a 25 dollar fee is required. The permit is good for three years.
5861 North Dakotans currently have Concealed Carry Weapons permits. This is approximately 1% of the total State population.
North Dakota is a SHALL ISSUE State. This means that any applicant who meets the requirements of the test and background check, MUST be issued a concealed weapons permit. Our county law enforcement officials do not have the authority to pick and choose from among the applicants, as is the case in many other States.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
I do not consider anyones post paraniod. I believe most show good sound sense.
40 years ago, as a teenager, I used to hitchhike all over. I could get from FT Dix, NJ to upstate NY almost as quick as a non stop ride. Girls could hitchhike also. I would not even think about it today let along pick one up.
Perverts have become more pervasive and who knows how many killers are loose with our liberal judges.
I choose not to be a victim.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Happened across this and thought some of you may like. It does not address the exact issue.kt
U.S. Senate: We want people packing heat in parks
Posted: Friday, January 11, 2008 at 12:00 p.m.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Nearly half the Senate wants to allow people to carry guns into national parks and wildlife refuges. Forty-seven lawmakers signed a letter asking the interior secretary to lift restrictions that prevent citizens from carrying firearms onto lands managed by the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The National Park Service says the Reagan-era restrictions were put in place for public safety and to protect wildlife. A park official says before the rules were adopted, "people would go out and shoot wildlife." He says he's worried if people are packing heat in the nation's parks, it could lead to accidents. The lawmakers write in their letter that the current regulations "infringe on the rights of law-abiding gun owners" who want to take firearms on or across federal land. The office of the Interior secretary says officials are reviewing the letter.
(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Consider a flare gun.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
I used to carry a pistol at all times. I no longer own one for my own reasons, but I spend a lot of time outdoors, hiking, canoing and biking and always have a substantial Dozier knife (horizontal kydex sheath) readily available, a quality multi tool (leatherman), a good pocket knife (case), compass and quality lighter (weatherproof butane), matches, flashlight (surefire), and a walking stick. I am trying to no longer be afraid of being afraid. Preparedness vs. paranoia. If I go down then so be it, but I will try and do some considerable damage before I do. FYI, Black bears don't bother people. I have heard there has been only one reported death by one to a human in North America in over a hundred years. That info may be incorrect and if it is I stand corrected. Cougars and brown bears can be a legitimate threat and can understand the concern there. Though I have also been told that most guides in Alaska will use mace on a bear before a firearm. Most of all pay attention. Good luck to you all and hope you never have the need to have to use any of these self-defense strategies.
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
I shot on a ROTC pistol team in college. After college, I attended good self defense training programs since I was in a job at risk for obtaining a 45 caliber nostril. Over the years, my weapon has been very helpful four times. The first time was on a quail hunt when a feral sow with piglets started to disembowel my Brittany spaniels. A 9mm to the brain ended that. The second and third time a hand on a licensed concealed holstered weapon and good training avoided an assault. The fourth was this last spring when a 5 foot diamondback let me get to close and a .40 S&W got me out of a jam. The training is just as important as the weapon. Recognition and avoidance of trouble is important but having the skills to deal with it is paramount. I believe Capt. Woodrow F. Call said it best,"It's better to have it (gun) and not need it than to need it and not have it."
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Protecting Yourself Hiking
Dennis S
Hit it on the head. I used to do that all the time. Better than any pistol if you cant put six rounds in a circle at 50 foot! One flare gun round within 20 foot will do the trick at any distance. Legal in most places, after all, it is used for if you get lost?
Dog U say? . All you police officers out there should be able to agree that 1 police dog is about the same as 5 officers as for intimidation! I once witnessed 6 officers surrounded in a half circle a young man who was yelling, (which one first, Ill take ya all!) He was not going down with out a fight (this was before pepepr spray, stun gun etc.) The cannine officer pulls up, gets out with his partner and within 6 seconds the man was on the ground doing what ever the officers wanted! The dog never came off the lead!
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